15 Apr 2016

Year 6 Update WK 30


Monday 18th April – Week 4 Year 6 Exhibition UOIbig-300x2171

Tuesday 19th April – Year 6 Pizza Lunch

Monday 25th April – ACTION WEEK starts!

Tuesday 17th May – EXHIBITION FOR PARENTS! From 6:30p.m.

Wednesday 18th May – EXHIBITION FOR SCHOOLS! From 9:30a.m.

GLUE! GLUE! GLUE! – We all need to stick together and keep our journals neat and tidy, so please keep your children’s glue supply topped up.
Family borrowing – A reminder that it is still possible for parents, younger children and other family members to borrow from our library.  By registering for a family borrowing card you can borrow two books from any section of the library, including the new Parent Collection which contains books about healthy living, behaviour management, fun art activities and days out for children in Hong Kong.  The library is open for family borrowing at these times…The library also has a number of newspapers and magazines which might be helpful for Exhibition, so if possible, looking through these with your child could be of great benefit to Exhibition journey!
  Before school After school
Monday   2.45-3.30pm
Tuesday 8.15- 9.00am  
Wednesday   2.45-3.30pm
Friday 8.30-9.15am  

To register for a family borrowing card please complete the form found on the school website’s communications page.  For any questions please contact Emily Jeves jevese2@beaconhill.edu.hk

Golden Book Awards…well done to all the students who received a certificate this week!
Mr Hoskins 6H – Mr Hoskin’s was absent
Miss Fisher 6L – Jessica Zhou
Miss Fearn 6F – Osbert Wong & Aidan Young
Exhibition Journey Continues…
Into our third week of the Exhibition, energy is still high and the children are showing a great zest for learning. In two weeks time the groups will take action around their issue so the excitement, workload and possibly tension is increasing. Please check in with your son or daughter about how they are feeling and encourage them to share any worries or concerns with their group or with their teacher. Some groups might also be finding it a little challenging to think of ways to take action, so we’d welcome you talking to your child about this also.
  MISO start (5)
Big Business Market Day
On Thursday Year 6 had fun supporting their younger peers at the annual Y5 Big Business Market Day. It brought back lots of memories from last year and was a timely reminder about how to work as a team and present to others. Thank you for giving your child some money to spend at the market. It is a great learning experience for Y5s, a good way to raise money and lots of fun for everyone.
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Year 6 Unit of Inquiry 5        

Transdisciplinary Theme : How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea : Individual and group action makes a difference to how societies uphold human rights.

Lines of Inquiry  – We will inquire into…

  • action that can be taken to uphold people’s rights
  • 2nd LoI written with the help of our special advisers and it will pertain to the issue chosen by the group
  • 3rd LoI written with the help of our special advisers and it will pertain to the issue chosen by the group

Concepts : the children will review all concepts

Learner Profile : the children will try and focus on all LPs

Attitudes : the children will try and focus on all the attitudes

MISO start (10) MISO start (11) MISO start (12) MISO start (13)

The last two weeks of school, before the holidays and this week, the students have been Tuning In and Finding Out about their issue. Before the holidays the students worked closely with each other, their teachers and other advisers, to create and refine Lines of Inquiry. These determine the areas that the groups will be inquiring into. This week, a great deal of their time has been spent formulating questions which the students can use to research more specific matters within their overarching issue.

 MISO (2) MISO (3)

Ms Jeves’ Info Lit Workshops – Ms Jeves has been supporting the students and teachers in their application of information literacy skills, using the M.I.S.O. framework. More than just a delicious Japanese soup, M.I.S.O.  has been invaluable in helping the students define their knowledge, what they want to know and how to go about finding out. This is because it is a framework for sorting their questions into groups relating to the source of information; for example M relates to the Media, I to interviews, S to surveys and O to the students who observations and experiences. From this, the groups have been able to begin their Finding Out, focusing on media research, but also thinking ahead to questions they could ask an expert in an interview or questions they can use in a survey.

Central Idea

Ratios are a comparison of two numbers or quantities

Repeated products of the same number can be expressed as exponential notation.


Strand Maths –Data Handling

Central Idea : Data can be presented effectively for valid interpretation and communication.

Some classes in Year 6 have began to plan and create autobiographies. These autobiographies will be worked on throughout the coming exhibition and during the production. As the exhibition is so cross curricular, English is continually being worked on throughout the research, reflections and presentations that the children are constantly working on. 

Please continue to keep your spelling journals in school unless your class teacher tells you otherwise.

UOI : continue work for your Exhibition.  Each class teacher will give more specific instructions about what you might need to do eg. continuing your research at home, formulating interview questions, planning survey questions (but please don’t email any surveys out!), thinking of ideas for action week (which is just a week away!) and thinking about your agenda for your next the mentor meeting on Monday morning (during Golden Book Assembly).

DON’T FORGET!!! Can all the children continue to learn the words to Brave and Hall of Fame? If any children are playing instruments please keep up the rehearsing at home.

Spelling : Spelling Journal homework – Additional journal tasks set by the class teacher.

Reading : Weekly reflections to be completed at least once a week. Children need to ensure they are reading at home each night for at least 20 mins and to write one weekly reflection about their reading in their diaries. Parents are not required to write a comment or to sign the book. However, continued interest and involvement in your child’s reading would be appreciated and will assist in their development.

Number Maths :

  • All Number Maths Groups : Mathletics

Thought of the WeekIf parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to loves challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way .. they will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence. (Carol Dweck)