6 Nov 2015

Year 6 Update WK 11

Monday 9th November – Friday 13th November – Year 6 Outward Bound Camp

Tuesday 10th &Thursday 12th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations.

Monday 16th November – Year 6 Theatre Workshop ‘Blood Brothers’

Monday 16th & Wednesday 18th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations.

Thursday 26th November – Year 6 Theatre Trip to see ‘Blood Brothers’

Tuesday 1st December – Year 5 Bake Sale…please bring some money to buy some treats to support our PTA

Monday 7th December – Island School Curriculum Day…for all the children who are going to Island School next year – more info to follow.

Tuesday 8th December – Year 1 & 6 Immunisation Day

Friday 11th December – PTA Christmas Disco

Wednesday 16th December – PTA Christmas Concert

Friday 18th December – last day of term, finish at 12pm

Year 6 Camp Live
Whilst we are at camp you can stay up to date by using the mobile app or by visiting the link below.
Pictures will be uploaded regularly over the course of the week. We will try to make sure we get pictures of the children doing many of the activities but please be aware that there are 90 children and only a limited number of teacher-photographers. This service will go live on Monday.
 Camp Equipment
Please check you all have the correct equipment for camp. I have included a photo of my ‘wet shoes’ for reference.  These came from H&M this time last year, but I believe you can get them from most markets.  Why don’t you get your child to decorate them so they are easily recognizable from the other 89 pairs that will be lying around the dorms?  Please make sure you have everything ready for Monday!
Camp Packing List  – your clothes for the 4 days which needs to include (but not limited to)…..hat, long sleeved top, pants/trousers (no jeans!!!) t-shirts, underwear, nightwear, shorts, light rainproof jacket, swimming costume, socks, trainers or suitable footwear (no new shoes), wet shoes – these will be worn for all water activities and will get wet (no Crocs, sandals or flip flops), warm long sleeved shirt, sunscreen, after-sun lotion, insect repellent, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, any other toiletries that they need, towel (it’s good to have 2 towels – not too big), small pencil case with some small items of stationery, torch or headlamp, large and small plastic bags, goggles (optional).  A full list in the camp information pack.
Please make sure that everything is named.
DO NOT BRING…. jeans, razors, knives, games and toys, food or snacks, expensive items or electronics – mobile phones, MP3 players (a camera not connected to a phone is fine) and you do not need a day bag as you did in Year 5.  The children should not bring money – there is a souvenir shop that is only open on the Friday when parents arrive, there will not be opportunity to spend money throughout the week.
Collection from Camp – All children must be collected from Outward Bound Camp on the Friday by an adult.
If you would like to book a place on the buses provided from Beacon Hill to collect your child please make sure you register on the following link if you have not already done so.
Medication for Camp – thank you for completing the necessary forms for camp.  All medication will be given to your child’s camp leader on arrival to be distributed throughout the week.  Medication will not be given out if the correct permission and instruction forms are not completed before leaving for camp.  Please do not send the medication in to the school nurse.
3-Way Conference forms – If you have not returned the reflection form please do so as we will be using these to set new targets for the children.
Parent Evening with Marie Marchand – coming up here at BHS we are very lucky to have Marie Marchand coming to host a parent workshop for any interested parents.  The topic this year is… ‘Bringing a family routine that works to your home’ and it will be focusing on developing routines in the morning, at meal time, for household chores, for homework and for bedtime that work for the whole family.  This might be a good workshop for our Year 6 parents to help assist in the transition from primary to secondary school.  There is more information in our school newsletter today but if you have any more queries please contact our school office.  It will be held on Tuesday November 17th from 6.30 – 8.00pm in the BHS school hall.
Stationery – Most children are equipped with the stationery they need, however some are missing some essentials. Please make sure that your child has all of the stationery that they need and that items such as glue sticks get replenished.

Deodorant – although the weather is slowly cooling down please we still offer a gentle reminder about each child wearing and re-applying deodorant at school.  The classrooms get very smelly after the children being out in the playground during breaks and PE times.

On Monday morning a selection of year 6 students led part of the whole school assembly to let the other year groups know about their role and responsibilities as conflict monitors. The children took this role seriously and produced a fantastic presentation, explaining it clearly and at the appropriate lever for everyone to understand.




The bake sale was a great success, it was for an excellent cause and the children loved being able to munch on some treats during snack time. Thanks so much to all the parent volunteers that helped out with this.

A number of Year 6 pupils have been busy preparing and performing for our Diwali celebrations. The whole school got involved and wore colourful clothing for the festival of lights.

Congratulations to the students who received Golden Book Certificates and SLT Awards this week.

Fidel Lau, 6F – SLT Award

Venisha Goyani 6F Golden Book Certificate

Andre Chow 6H – Golden Book Certificate

Milly Okuda 6L – Golden Book Certificate

Year 6 Unit of Inquiry 2

Transdisciplinary Theme : Where we are in place in time

Central Idea : Past civilisations can be used to make connections to present day societies

Lines of Inquiry  – We will inquire into…

  • characteristics of past civilisations
  • the way present day societies have been influenced by civilisations from the past
  • connections between past discoveries and modern day advances

Concepts : form, function, connection

Learner Profile : knowledgeable, thinker

Attitudes : enthusiasm, appreciation

Central Idea : The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are related to each other and can be modelled in different ways.

We are continuing to explore operations. Children across the year group have been inquiring into how the operations can be used in different ways and some have taken part in rich problem solving tasks, explaining their thinking and understanding.

Strand Maths – Data Handling

Central Idea : Data can be presented effectively for valid interpretation and communication.

This week we continued on with our Data Handling. All classes have been working on an assortment of data tasks and investigations and will continue to do so for the next few weeks.


We are continuing to research and plan our historical fiction stories. This unit is really shaping up to be something special as our year 6 writers begin to write and develop their own stories. Everyone is looking forward to completing their stories when we return from camp next week.

IMG_2492                          IMG_2493

As always, buddy spelling tests are held every Friday so Spelling Journals are an absolute necessity for Fridays. Spelling Journals need to be back in to school everyday to enable students to work on the spelling investigations in the back of the journal throughout the week and also to add personal spelling words to as they arise during the weekdays.


Spelling : Spelling Journal homework – 3 practice spelling tests to be conducted under the supervision of an adult at home, daily spelling practice and any additional journal tasks set by the class teacher.

Reading : Weekly reflections to be completed at least once a week. Children need to ensure they are reading at home each night for at least 20 mins and to write one weekly reflection about their reading in their diaries. Parents are not required to write a comment or to sign the book. However, continued interest and involvement in your child’s reading would be appreciated and will assist in their development.

Number Maths :

Make sure you are up to date with Mathletics.

UOI – No homework, just make sure you are all ready for camp!


Thought of the Week : “There are no gains without pains.” Benjamin Franklin