9 Jun 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 33



Swimming caps, flip flops/ crocs or other shoes suitable to wear once in the pool area, towels, Swimming suits or costumes (no bikinis), goggles are optional, a waterproof bag separate from their school backpacks.

Children will wear PE clothes for Thursdays swimming sessions.

Year 5 have continued to be very busy artists as they explore the work of Picasso, Andy Warhol, Barbara Hepworth and Yayoi Kusama. It has been a wonderful opportunity to practise their styles and for the children to celebrate their artistic skills and talent.

5Y thoroughly enjoyed the chance to support their buddies in 1L in their fantastic assembly by dancing with them, demonstrating working together and teamwork.



Central Idea:

Arts are used to express messages and ideas

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. The tools and techniques artists use (form)
  2. How messages are interpreted and conveyed (perspective)
  3. How art influences others (reflection)
Perspective Reflection Form
We will understand that artists draw on different experiences and thoughts when creating their work. We will understand that artists use a range and mix of artistic elements to express their ideas. We will understand that there are different elements of art which work together to create a work of art.

We will continue with our artist studies and begin to think about applying these styles to our own works of art in our ongoing sketchbook journals. Year 5 will look at descriptions and labels of other pieces of art on display and consider how they would incorporate these to their own artwork. The children will use their knowledge and ideas of the central idea to think about portraying ideas and messages through their own work and how they might get these across to a gallery audience.

Next week we will begin our Çhanges unit where we will discuss the process of puberty and the changes that take place.



5Y- Tyler Cheng: for working hard to find the area of irregular shapes using the correct formula

5P-Raphael for care and concentration when doing soap sculpture

5M-Kaitlyn Yeung for her positive attitude towards all areas of her learning.


Please continue with your artist studies.

Chose an artist whose work you are interested in. It could be someone you have studied in school or somebody completely different. Try to copy some of the techniques and styles they use to produce your own piece of art. Try to use it as a way of expressing yourself and think about what you want people to think about when they look at your piece.

As the weather is extremely hot, please ensure your child has their cap in school everyday for outside play and PE.

Children will begin to bring classwork, portfolios and folders home during the last two weeks of school. Please bring in a sturdy bag to help you carry these items home.