12 May 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 29


Children also need to start bring in a bar of soap which will be used for sculpting in art lessons.

Monday 29th / Tuesday 30th School Closed

Swimming will be starting in June. All Year 5 children are required to attend the 4 lessons which will be held on Thursday mornings. More specific details to follow in the coming weeks. For now here is the list of what they need to have ready to bring to school on these days.

Swimming caps, flip flops/ crocs or other shoes suitable to wear once in the pool area, towels,Swimming suits or costumes (no bikinis), goggles are optional, a waterproof bag separate from their school backpacks.

It has been a busy week in Year 5. Many of our students have attended extra activities and information sessions run by the Year 6 students as part of the action element for their exhibition. We have been really impressed with their confidence, knowledge and organisational skills. It has also been a great opportunity for our Year 5 students to see what lies ahead for them next year.
In our own classrooms this week we have been applying our knowledge of electrical circuits to create a working room model. Children have revisited their practical skills and explored using switches. Many have furthered their understanding of increasingly complex circuits and how energy is transferred and used by different components.


Central Idea:

Arts are used to express messages and ideas

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. The tools and techniques artists use (form)
  2. How messages are interpreted and conveyed (perspective)
  3. How art influences others (reflection)
Perspective Reflection Form
We will understand that artists draw on different experiences and thoughts when creating their work. We will understand that artists use a range and mix of artistic elements to express their ideas. We will understand that there are different elements of art which work together to create a work of art.

The new unit will begin next week and introduce the 7 elements of art and work around the book “The Dot”


We will start working on improving our descriptive writing. Children will be reflecting on individual written work to create their own checklists for their individual focuses over the coming weeks.

When reading we will be ensuring that the children are monitoring their comprehension by ensuring they are thinking and reacting to what we read. We will be expanding their thinking by talking with each other about what they read.

5M Sho for being patient and supportive with his Year 1 buddy.

5Y Alexa Wong for thinking carefully about the structure of her explanation text.

5P Justin Li for commitment to learning and self improvement


Select and copy of a piece of art work which appeals to you.

Find out about the artist and what the work shows.

Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

Please return any sold raffle tickets and remember more can always be requested.