20 Nov 2015

Year 5 Update Wk 13

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday December 1st – Y5 Bake Sale

Friday December 4th Year 5 Sharing Through the Arts Day

Friday December 11th – PTA Christmas Disco

Wednesday December 16th – BHS Christmas concert

For the student’s personal inquiries, we have invited the children to come up with any wonderings and questions they may have revolving around our central idea. The children were then able to choose various ways to further their learning by picking one of the many Bloom’s Taxonomy activities provided and presenting it in their own style.
 In Maths next week we will be finishing off our units in both number and strand. The children will be reviewing and consolidating what they have learned and we will be assessing their understanding of the expected outcomes.

Through our recount text type, the children will be working on finalizing their English pieces of diary extracts and poetry for our sharing day. We will be encouraging the children to edit and up-level their work using their understanding of figurative language and time connectives.

FAN, MarcusNG, KadenSONNEY, Veer







5A: Marcus Fan – For being courageous and always having a positive attitude while on his first BHS camp.

5P: Kadan Ng – For always participating in each activity with a positive attitude.

5Y: Veer Sonney- For his positive attitude throughout camp and for trying many new activities

As your children are now in the upper school, they are expected to be completing 30-45 minutes of homework each night. This will be made up of: approx 15-20 minutes reading with an adult, 10-15 spelling work, and their weekly assigned task.

This week:

For homework this week we would like all children to continue their personal inquiries on migration. They may wish to gather more research on their individual questions, read current newspaper articles or websites on certain issues, or work on their presentations. They may store any of their work online in their migration folders on the Google drive.

We would also like the children to continue practising their wonderful dance moves for our sharing day performance. Specifically, to plan out and practice their 4 poses during the dance.

Below is a youtube clip of the song used in the dance.  
