Year 4 Update – Wk 5
- 16th September – Mid Autumn Festival: School closed
- 23rd September – Y4 Sharing Day (Please see more details below)
- 27th September – Parent Evening
- 29th September – Parent Evening
- 5th October 6pm- Year 4 Camp Information Evening
- 6th & 7th October – BHS CPD: School closed to students
- 10th – 14th October – Half Term: School closed
- 17th October – ESF CPD day: School closed to students
- 18th October – First day back at school
Who We Are
Central Idea:
Our beliefs and values can influence our attitudes and the way we behave.
Lines of Inquiry
An inquiry into:
- Our different beliefs
- Where our values come from
- Our behaviours and attitudes
Preparation for sharing Day.
Over the coming week, the children will be finishing their personal projects, clay masks and poetry and perfecting their Haka moves and chanting in readiness for our Sharing Day on Friday 23rd! Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Central Idea – The base 10 place value system can be extended to represent size.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The patterns of 5 digit numbers and how they are represented
We have been playing lots of games to help consolidate our understanding of 4 digit numbers and extending our thinking to 5 digit numbers, too. This was a game many of us enjoyed. We even had a go at making our own versions, too!
Next week, we will continue to compare and order 5 digit numbers, as well as partitioning them, re-grouping numbers and identifying the value of digits in a 5 digit number. We will also be thinking carefully about rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000, as our pre-assessment highlighted this as being something most of us find tricky at the moment!
Strand Maths:
Central Idea – Objects and events have attributes that can be measured using appropriate tools. By analysing patterns and identifying rules for patterns it is possible to make predictions.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The selection and correct use of standard units
We will continue our inquiry into perimeter and area using the mentor text, “How Big is a Foot?”
*Daily home reading
A reminder that the colour of the home reading book your child brings home will reflect their reading ability at the end of Year 3. However, as reading assessments continue over the course of the coming few weeks, this may or may not change. PLEASE be reminded that the colour sticker on the reading book your child brings home is far less significant than the development of fluency AND comprehension. There is also an expectation that your child will read a book and complete any quizzes on Reading Eggspress twice a week.
The children will have 10 new words to learn each week (Friday) and will be tested on them by a classmate three times per week. The words they have comprise of some vocabulary relevant to our current U.O.I., some words relating to the spelling rule that we are currently learning about and some words of their choice.
*A weekly home learning task
The children have been given homework folders in which to keep homework instructions/tasks, which also has the Term 1 homework schedule attached. The first homework task was given out, explained and placed in the homework folders today. A summary of the task can be found below…
Year 4 Home Learning English 15.9.16
(Please refer to home learning handout for more information)
You will need:
- Computer (to access OR pencils, colour pencils and paper
- Dictionary
- Lined paper
Word Cloud
Reflect on your learning experiences in Maths, English and Unit of Inquiry this year and create a wordcloud online (Tagul) or on paper. First, brainstorming a collection of new or interesting words from each area. Then, you may play around with the size and orientation of the words in order to make your word cloud.
Please email (Tagul) or hand in your word cloud to your class teacher:
Ms Wu:
Ms Fisher:
Mrs Fennelly:
- In what way did these words stand out for you?
- How did you decide on the shape of your word cloud?
Choose six words from your weekly spelling list. Use these words in sentences to show that you know what they mean.
- How will you use the context to show your understanding?
- Is there a better way to show the meaning of your words?