Year 4 Update – Wk 25
Monday 20th March – Dress up as your favourite book character on for the character parade!
Friday 24th March – International Food Fair: Keep selling those raffle tickets to win the class excursion!
Thursday 30th March – Spring Concert
Friday 31st March – End of Term 2 – Easter Holidays Begin! School ends at 12:00 noon.
Tuesday 18th April – First Day Back at School
Tuesday 25th April – Year 4 Bake Sale
Thrusday 27th April – Year 4 Theatre Trip
Tuesday 2nd May – BHS CPD Day: School Closed *Please note that Monday 1st and Wednesday 3rd May are public holidays
Monday 29th May – BHS CPD Day: School Closed *Please note that Tuesday 30th May is a public holiday
Thursday 1st June – PTA Quiz
Book Week and Character Dress-up Day
Seven days of ABCs and 123s
We have all been enjoying our Seven Days of ABCs and 123s which began on Monday 13th March. This year we have be having special activities to celebrate the special link between Maths and books. Has your child joined our pattern photo competition? If not details are below.
Dress Up Day – Monday 20th March
Our traditional dress up day will take place on the 20th March. All the children and staff in school will dress up in costume. We encourage the children to be creative and imaginative with their costume. So please try and avoid football kits or the children coming as themselves!
To celebrate the collaboration between books and Maths, this year the children can choose to dress as a book character or something maths related.
Here are some pictures to inspire your child’s creations.
Photo competition- Closing date 21st March
Seeing and understanding pattern is very important in Maths for many reasons, for example to improve our knowledge of shape and space, to help estimation and solve problems in algebra. Pattern is also very important in the English language, it can be seen in spelling, sentence structure and of course poetry. Many stories follow a pattern too and understanding this can help develop children’s comprehension. This year our photo competition celebrates pattern.
Your child needs to take a photo on the theme of pattern and send it to Ms Jeves at the following address: Please can you make sure the subject header for the photo contains your child’s name and class. Closing date: 21st March.
A kind reminder for your child to return their portfolios back to school.
Health and well-being
As you will have seen in notices sent home recently, there have been some cases of scarlet fever and chicken pox at the school. We would be very grateful if you could remind your child to wash their hands frequently throughout the day and to stay home if unwell.
This week in Year 4 the children inquired into the parts of the Earth and created labelled models.
The children also participated various activities celebrating the 7 days of ABCs and 123s. Chris White thoroughly entertained the children and shared his interests and journey to becoming an author. If you child would like to order any of his books, please print and fill in this form.
Picture Pie!
The children also had a go at creating their own Ed Emberly-inspired fraction art!
This week our classes voted for an act to represent their class for the International Food Fair talent show. Well done to all the brave students for auditioning!
How The World Works
Central Idea: Changes to the Earth and its atmosphere can impact the natural world
Lines of Inquiry
An inquiry into:
- How the different components of the Earth are interrelated (connection)
- Why the Earth has changed and is continuing to change (change)
- How we know the Earth has changed (reflection)
Summative Task: Choose a natural phenomenon/event and create a flow chart to demonstrate how this event changes/has changed the Earth.
Next week the children will investigate tectonic plates and how their movements have changed the Earth.
Central Idea – Fractions and decimals are ways of representing whole part relationships
Lines of Inquiry:
- Constructing and representing equal parts of a whole
- Identifying, ordering and describing fractions using mathematical language
- Understanding the relationship between fractions and decimals
Next week the children will be completing open-ended tasks that require them to order and compare fractions. We will also discuss improper and mixed fractions.
Purpose: Writing to explain
Big idea: Authors explain clearly how and why things happen
Related Language Concepts: Word choice, causal connectives, technical vocabulary, audience
Next week we will continue to identify the features of an explanation texts and deconstruct a few examples. The children will create a class constructed a ‘fantastical’ explanation for an everyday object and have a go at writing their own explanations.
Comprehension Key: Questioning
Next week the children will continue to record their own wonderings about a text and learn to distinguish between open/ close-ended and short/ fat questions.
Home Learning 10.3.17 – Matching Fractions
This week the children are tasked with a matching game that will get them looking and making fractions in many different ways. There is also a challenge asking children children to spot and record (drawing/ photograph) fractions they may encounter in their everyday lives.
Daily home reading
Please check to make sure your child is taking home home reader books at their level, or reading books on Reading Eggs at their comprehension age level. PLEASE be reminded that the colour sticker on the reading book your child brings home is far less significant than the development of fluency AND comprehension. There is also an expectation that your child will read a book and complete any quizzes on Reading Eggspress twice a week.
The children will have 10 new words to learn each week (Friday) and will be tested on them by a classmate three times per week. The words they have consist of some vocabulary relevant to our current U.O.I., some words relating to the spelling rule that we are currently learning about and some words of their choice.