24 Feb 2017

Year 4 Update – Wk 22

Friday 3rd March – Student-Led Conferences

Monday 13th – Friday 17th March – Book Week: Dress up as your favourite book character on Friday for the character parade!

Thursday 16th March – Y5 Market Day: Bring some money to buy some goodies and support a good cause!

Friday 24th March – International Food Fair: Keep selling those raffle tickets to win the class excursion!

Thursday 30th March – Spring Concert

Friday 31st March – End of Term 2 – Easter Holidays Begin! School ends at 12:00 noon.

Tuesday 18th April – First Day Back at School

Tuesday 25th April – Year 4 Bake Sale

Thrusday 27th April – Year 4 Theatre Trip

Tuesday 2nd May – BHS CPD Day: School Closed

Student-Led Conferences

A reminder to sign up for a Student-Led Conference session with your child’s class teacher.

Building Challenge Day

On Monday, your child will have the opportunity to design and make a structure of their choice.  They will mostly likely design and make a bridge, tower or a simple house like structure.  This will be an opportunity for them to demonstrate their learning about different structures.
To help the students create their designs can you send in with your child household recyclables like:
Cardboard boxes, paper rolls, egg cartons, bottles, string, pipe cleaners, chopsticks/lollipop sticks, lids etc.
Please ensure these are clean and ready to be used.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Health and well-being

As you will have seen in notices sent home recently, there have been some cases of scarlet fever and chicken pox at the school. We would be very grateful if you could remind your child to wash their hands frequently throughout the day and to stay home if unwell.

Building Challenges 
This week’s challenges involved the students revisiting paper joins and consolidating their knowledge of strength in shapes to build a structure that can hold the most weight. They were given limited resources and had to work within their group to plan, design, construct and evaluate their structure.
Next Monday, we will welcome a special guest into school to hold a whole-day building challenge to round off this unit of inquiry!
Body proportions and facial features
Ms Yu has been spending some extra time in the Year 4 classrooms to talk to the children about body proportions and facial features of children and adults. The students had a go at sketching the body parts and are learning to show depth in their work through shading.

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea: Nature, purpose and creativity inspire the design of structures in the community

Lines of Inquiry 

An inquiry into:

  • Architecture in the local and global environment (reflection)
  • Elements that influence design  (perspective)
  • Pattern and shapes in structures (form)

Natural Elements

Next week the children will continue to inquire into the design process behind famous structures around the world and plan, design and construct their own structures inspired by nature. This will act as their summative task for this unit of inquiry.

Strand Maths: Shapes and Space

Central Idea – Shapes can be identified, classified and used in different ways

Lines of Inquiry:

  • The relationship between 2D and 3D Shapes
  • Symmetry and transformations can be found in our environment
  • Angles in 2D and 3D shape

Next week the children will be learning about transformations (rotation, translation, reflection) and will have a go at tessellations in preparation for Friday’s student-led-conferences.

Image result for simple tessellations Related image Image result for simple tessellations

Congratulations to the following students from Year 4 who had their achievements celebrated at Golden Book Assembly on Monday.
 4F – Cameron Yeung
 4L – Muchan Kim
 4W – Charmaine Mak
Mandarin – Liana Wong




Home Learning 24.2.17 – Transformation and Tessellations

This week the children will complete a tessellation-related task.

Daily home reading

A reminder that the colour of the home reading book your child brings home will reflect their reading ability at the end of Year 3. However, as reading assessments continue over the course of the coming few weeks, this may or may not change. PLEASE be reminded that the colour sticker on the reading book your child brings home is far less significant than the development of fluency AND comprehension. There is also an expectation that your child will read a book and complete any quizzes on Reading Eggspress twice a week.


The children will have 10 new words to learn each week (Friday) and will be tested on them by a classmate three times per week. The words they have consist of some vocabulary relevant to our current U.O.I., some words relating to the spelling rule that we are currently learning about and some words of their choice.