Year 4 Update Wk 14
- 1st December – Year 5 Bake Sale
- 1st December – Transdisciplinary Skills workshop for parents.
- 7th December – Yr 4 LEAP
- 11th December – PTA Christmas Disco
- 16th December – PTA Christmas Concert, 7 pm
- 18th December – School Closes at 12 pm for end of Term Break
- 4th January – Term 2 school begins
- ISA data will be released around Early December and will be uploaded to Gateway. Ms Susan Chung will send a note to parents when they become available.
- LEAP trip letters have been sent home. Please return your letters as soon as possible,
- PE uniform days for each class – Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 4M, Wednesdays and Thursday for 4W and Mondays and Wednesday for 4J.
Pitching UP!
At the pitch this week the teachers were very impressed with the strengths the children showed involving others in their games and collaborating to create their own games that used the space well. Well done to all the children of Year 4!
Piecing it all together!
This week was the final week for our Sharing the Planet U.O.I. The final assessment showed the student’s understanding of the impact of humans on the environment by using the concepts of ’cause and effect’ . They reflected on the lines of inquiry with a rating scale which the teacher has filled in too. This also saw the wrapping up of the children’s independent inquiries. A big week all round!
The Tales they Tell!
In English this week the students completed a personal narrative using a picture prompt, not unlike the style used in the ISA Assessments. These will be in the portfolios which will be sent home later in December.
Where We Are In Place and Time
Central Idea: Change in our world can happen through exploration and discovery
Lines of Inquiry
- Explorations and discoveries that have changed our world
- The reasons why people choose to explore and discover
- The effects of exploration and discovery on the recording of time
Concepts: Change, causation and connections
Learner Profile: Courageous
Attitudes: Curiosity and Integrity
In the coming week we will tuning in to the lines of inquiry of this unit. We will be looking at timelines and examples of terrific explorations and discoveries that have influenced modern times.
Addition and Subtraction
Central Idea (Number)- The operations of addition and subtraction are related to each other and used to process information to solve problems
Lines of Inquiry
- Mental and written methods that can be applied for exact and approximate calculations
- How we use addition and subtraction to solve problems
- The different mental strategies used to solve problems
Mental strategies for this unit:
- Jump Strategy
- Split Strategy
- Compensation Strategy
- Doubles and Near Doubles
- Working Backwards
Some websites to use at home
- Subtraction Machine
- Addition Pyramid
Measurement – Time
Central Idea (Strand)- Events have attributes that can be measured using appropriate tools.
Lines of Inquiry
Solving real-life situations using Time
The many ways of recording and measuring Time
The children will be:
- Inquiring into how measurement of time has developed (linked with U.O.I)
- Reading time to the nearest minute
- Calculating elapsed time
- Reading 24 hour clocks
- Using am and pm
Music – Mr Gibson
Mr Gibson has shared a link to help the kids practice their ukulele at home. Just remember, recorders sound much worse!!
Ukuleles to be brought to school on the following days; 4M Thursdays, 4W and 4J Fridays
- Children are encouraged to bring in fruit and vegetable sticks on Fridays to support BHS’s Fruit Fridays.
- Remember to give your child a healthy start to the day with breakfast and a nutritious snack to ensure sustained energy levels.
- Please remember to sign your child’s home reading journal so that they are able to borrow a new book. A kind reminder that students are expected to read Reading Eggspress twice a week.