Year 3 Update Wk 9
Last January we held the inaugural meeting of the BHS Community Choir and went on to perform at the International Food Fair, the Chinese New Year show and the Summer Music Concert. The choir will re-form this year, starting on Thursday October 20th at 7pm. Everyone is welcome – no experience necessary! New and existing members are very welcome. Please click on this link to register:
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
The children have unpacked the central idea and discussed the lines of inquiry. The children all enjoyed creating their own gyrocoptor in class and thinking about different variables when testing them out. In Maths this week one of the activities was problem solving and applying their mental addition knowledge / strategies to help them through a challenging maths maze.
Children were excited to get back to school after the holiday. Since the last Weekly Update, the school has introduced the House Teams system. The four houses are Kuài lè (happiness/yellow) 快乐, Duō yuán (diversity/green) 多元, Bāo róng (inclusivity/blue) 包容, Xìn xīn (confidence/red) 信心. The children are very eager to earn points for their teams, and they can do so under four categories: Behaviour, Effort, Attitude and Care.
Scientists learn about forces and motion through scientific process
Next week the children will continue to learn about the different types of forces through science investigations.
The lines of inquiry are:
- Types of forces (form)
- Forces affect the motion of objects (function/connection)
- Scientific process (function)
- How we use addition and subtraction to solve problems.
- The strategies we use for addition and subtraction.
- The relationship between addition and subtraction.
- Odd and Even numbers.
New tasks have been set in relation to Addition and Subtraction. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
Next week the children we will be introducing the comprehension key of inferring. The children will be working on ‘reading between the lines’ and understanding that sometimes the author will imply something but not actually state it in the book / text.
The children will continue their work on procedural writing in class and using this text type to help them write up their science investigations.
3D Cadence Wong
3A Kaylee Fish
3M Karan Mukhi Santino
ICT Michelle Zhou