29 Apr 2016

Year 3 Update Wk 32


Public Holiday – School closed : Monday 2nd May

CPD School Closed : Tuesday 3rd May

Book Fest : Wednesday 4th May

Year 3 Theatre Trip : Wednesday 4th May

Dress up for ‘Book Fest’ : Friday 6th May


Year 3 Trip to Mei Ho House :

Tuesday 10th May (3K), Wednesday 11th May (3D), Thursday 12th May (3H)





Please click on the link below for all the competition details.

The Beacon’ Cover Competition 2016


Remember Friday is book character day. You need to come to school dressed as your favourite book character. This year there will be a winner from each class for the child who wears the most creative costume.

Please check the following information regarding when your child needs to wear their PE kit to school.

3D : Monday and Friday

3H : Tuesday and Wednesday

3K : Tuesday and Thursday

Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.

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Central Idea

Homes have been influenced by a variety of factors over time.


3 7 6


 An inquiry into:

  • What a home is
  • The influence of the environment on homes
  • How and why homes in (the local environment) Hong Kong have changed over time

Children will consider what it may be like to live in a different type of home in Hong Kong, for example a village house, a cage home and even a house boat. They will make decisions as to what they think would be positive, minus or interesting.


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  • recognise the different notes and coins used in Hong Kong
  • describe, sort and order coins and notes
  • calculate totals and change needed from given amounts

Over the long weekend encourage your child to get involved when you are using money. Perhaps you could give your child $20, ask them to buy a drink or a snack and calculate the change they should get.

Money Master Game



Central Idea

Understanding time allows us to make accurate measurements in order to identify, compare, order and sequence events.



  • Identifying standard units used to measure time
  • Telling the time on analogue and digital clocks
  • How we use our number knowledge to help us tell the time and solve real-life problems




The children will solve problems involving elapsed time. There are many time games available on the Beacon.

 Over the long weekend please refer to the time:

What time is it now?

If we are here for 25 minutes what time will we leave?

How long do you think it will take to get to…?

How long did you sleep for?

Please encourage your child to complete the Mathletics activities set.


Non-chronological reports





This week the children will be looking at how to plan a non-chronological report. The children will then use their plans to write a report, thinking about the following features:


  • sub-headings & paragraphs
  • introduction & conclusion
  • using conjunctions
  • using interesting and relevant facts

The children will use a graphic organiser to plan and write a report about an animal.

As part of next weeks ‘Book Fest’ the children will be immersed into the world of poetry. The children will be reading, writing and sharing poetry.

Please continue to read and discuss books with your child on a daily basis.






3H Maxi Fung, 3D Kyle Lau, 3K Sophie Leung 

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English : Report writing

 Homework1 Homework2