Year 3 Update Wk 29
Unfortunately due to personal reasons Peter Sullivan has had to cancel his trip to BHS. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
We will begin our new unit next week where the children will be inquiring into how people collaborate towards a common goal. The children will be learning about different workplaces and the roles that people have within their workplace.
If you think you could spare some time over the next month to come in and talk to Y3 about your workplace and the role you have please get in touch with your child’s class teacher.
If your child has Deli Fresh for lunch, please talk to them about their food choices as we have noticed a lot of children are reluctant to finish their lunch.
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
This week the children have completed their summative assessment on our homes unit. The children have absolutely loved learning all about what makes a home and enjoyed looking into how and why homes in Hong Kong have changed over time.
Ask your child to tell you what their favourite part of this unit was.
Next week we will start our new unit where the children will begin to inquire into different workplaces and the roles people have.
This week the children completed their summative assessment on Time. The children have demonstrated their knowledge of being able to read and write the time to the quarter-hour and 5 minute intervals.
Next week the children will be reinforcing some addition and subtraction strategies learnt earlier in the year and applying them to money. The children have already had a great first hand experience with applying addition and subtraction to money during Y3 Action Day.
New tasks have been set in relation to time. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
This week the children wrote a report about Hong Kong homes using the features of an information report. They also started writing a report about something a friend does or something they can do well.
Ask you child what the features of an information report are.
Next week the children will be introduced to our final text type of Y3: expositions – writing to persuade.
3A Allegra Sek
3D Vera Kwan
3M Ethan Young
SMT Aadit Hirawat
Bryce Wong