Year 3 Update Wk 27
- Monday 24th April- Friday 28th April – Green Week
- Thursday 27th April – Tai O Trip (parent volunteers needed)
- Monday 1st- Wednesday 3rd May – BHS Closed due to public holidays and CPD
- Thursday 18th May – Professor Peter Sullivan maths seminar for parents.
- Thursday 25th May- Summer concert @7pm
- Monday 29th May and Tuesday 30th May- CPD and Public holiday
If you have signed up to help on the Tai O trip, you will have received additional information today so please check your child’s bag.
If your child has Deli Fresh for lunch, please talk to them about their food choices as we have noticed a lot of children are reluctant to finish their lunch.
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
Homes have been influenced by a variety of factors over time
Lines of Inquiry
1. What is a home? (Form)
2. How and why homes in (the local environment) Hong Kong have changed over time. (Change)
3. The influence of social factors in the development of homes (Causation)
This week the children have continued inquiring into different types of homes in Hong Kong. Our trip gave them an insight into government housing in Hong Kong. It also enabled them to have a go at playing different games from the past.
Thank you for helping your child complete their homework, the children are enjoying reporting back to the rest of the class. It was wonderful to see so many pictures and photographs.
This week the children played a variety of games which involved adding times, as well as reading and matching the time on digital and analogue clocks.
New tasks have been set in relation to time. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
The children have continued working on their report about Beacon Hill School. Several children have taken action by composing a report at home.
Next week the children will be writing a report about a missing pet.
No golden book this week due to the Public holiday.
Twiga Pottery with Miss Cassie at BHS