Year 3 Update Wk 25
A Monica Vinader bracelet with an engraved plate was handed in to the Year 3 teachers after the Student Led Conferences. If you believe the bracelet belongs to you, please contact your child’s class teacher.
News from the English team
Seven days of ABCs and 123s
This year we will be having special activities to celebrate the special link between Maths and books. Has your child joined our pattern photo competition? If not details are below.
Dress Up Day – Monday 20th March
Our traditional dress up day will take place on the 20th March. All the children and staff in school will dress up in costume. We encourage the children to be creative and imaginative with their costume. So please try and avoid football kits or the children coming as themselves!
To celebrate the collaboration between books and Maths, this year the children can choose to dress as a book character or something maths related.
Here are some pictures to inspire your child’s creations.
Book and math related costumes:
Photo competition – Closing date 21st March
Seeing and understanding pattern is very important in Maths for many reasons, for example to improve our knowledge of shape and space, to help estimation and solve problems in algebra. Pattern is also very important in the English language, it can be seen in spelling, sentence structure and of course poetry. Many stories follow a pattern too and understanding this can help develop children’s comprehension. This year our photo competition celebrates pattern.
Your child needs to take a photo on the theme of pattern and send it to Ms Jeves at the following address: Please can you make sure the subject header for the photo contains your child’s name and class. Closing date: 21st March.
If your child has Deli Fresh for lunch, please talk to them about their food choices as we have noticed a lot of children are reluctant to finish their lunch.
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
Homes have been influenced by a variety of factors over time
Lines of Inquiry
1. What is a home? (Form)
2. The influence of social factors in the development of homes (Causation)
3. How and why homes in (the local environment) Hong Kong have changed over time. (Change)
The children were given some jig saw pieces of different homes around Hong Kong. In their groups they then reflecting on the pictures, they thought about what they could see, think and any wondering’s they had. Ask your child about the picture they had and what some of the other pictures were.
- Fractions of shapes
- Fractions of amounts
- Making and comparing simple fractions
This week the children explored how fractions are related to division through the story ‘Jump, Kangaroo, Jump’ as we celebrate Maths in Literacy.
New tasks have been set in relation to Fractions. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
The children have been learning all about speech marks and have started using them in their narrative writing. Next week the children will complete their summative assessment for narrative writing.
Ask your child about the features of a narrative and watch these speech marks videos with your child.
No golden book this week due to 7 days of ABC’s and 123’s.
Twiga Pottery with Miss Cassie at BHS