Year 3 Update Wk 22
Cooler Weather
With the cooler weather you are naturally wanting your child to wear more layers of clothing to school. Please note that the correct school uniform must be worn, in particular school jumpers and P.E. jackets instead of non uniform long-sleeve tops underneath P.E. and school shirts.
We have clear expectations regarding our school uniform. Sometimes students may need to wear something different for a short period of time if they have outgrown a pair of shoes for example, but we encourage everyone to adhere to the uniform at all times. We appreciate your support in helping to ensure we maintain our strong identity and that all the children feel a sense of pride in wearing the BHS colours.
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
People worldwide have access to rights and opportunities that can look different.
Lines of Inquiry
- Difference between needs and wants (Perspective)
- Children’s rights and responsibilities ( Responsibility)
- How children rights are protected (Reflection)
This week the children enjoyed taking care of their flour babies and having the responsibility of looking after them overnight. Thank you parents for supporting your child in this homework task. Next week the children will continue inquiring into the different children’s rights, they are all looking forward to sharing this learning with you very soon.
- Fractions of shapes
- Fractions of amounts
- Making and comparing simple fractions
This week the children completed their pre-assessment for our new unit on Fractions. Next week the children will be tuning into the language of fractions and finding fractions of shapes and quantities through some mathematical mentor texts.
New tasks have been set in relation to Multiplication and Division. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
This week the children inquired into the features of a narrative text and continued with their stories from last week. The children have used graphic organisers to help them plan before writing a narrative. Next week the children will begin to plan a narrative based on their flour baby.
The children will continue to work on their poems based on Children’s Rights that they will display during their sharing day.
Rakin Khan – 3A
Karina Chong – 3M
Cherry Ho – 3D
Michelle Zhou – Mandarin
Teresa Rana – Music
Vera Kwan – SLT Award
Indochina Starfish Foundation (ISF): An NGO committed to changing the lives of disadvantaged children in Cambodia.
Crossroads Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit organisation. Their goal is to connect people in a broken world. As their name suggests, they try to be a crossroads: bringing together those in need and those who can help.
OneSky aims to unlock the vast potential hidden in our world’s most vulnerable young children. They create and implement simple, replicable early learning programs that provide nurturing responsive care, transforming the lives of thousands of at-risk children every day, and ensuring that those most in need have a second chance at childhood.