Year 3 Update Wk 16
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
This week the children had lots of fun bringing Maths into cooking with Ms Chung. The Year 3 children were able to learn and use different measurement tools to help them bake cupcakes.
All of Year 3 had a fantastic day at their Christmas Parties, where they played Christmas games together in the hall. The children enjoyed giving and receiving their presents from their ‘Secret Friends’. They all had wonderful buffet styles lunches and dessert in their classrooms and ended with a nice Christmas movie. Thank you to all the families for being generous and taking time to help your child buy their presents for their secret friends. Also another huge thank you to the families that supplied such a fantastic feast for all the children to enjoy. BHS children definitely have some talented chefs in their families.
The Year 3 Team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you all have a safe and fun filled holiday with the family.
The interaction between body systems helps us to keep healthy and survive.
Lines of Inquiry
- How the body systems work (Function)
- Interdependence and independence between the body systems (Connection)
- Impact of lifestyle choices on the body systems (Responsibility)
This week the children worked in their expert body systems groups to gather and research information about their groups body system. The children have been focusing on 5 main questions that they have to answer. They have loved using their information literacy knowledge and research skills to help support them in this research.
After Christmas the children will begin thinking about how they will choose to present their information for their summative assessment.
- The roles of symbols and the language of multiplication and division
- Mental and written strategies for multiplication and division
- The relationship between multiplication and division
This week in number maths, the children continued their exploration of multiplicative thinking by problem solving word problems in different ways. The children have also been introduced to measurement which will run along side our multiplication and division unit.
After Christmas the children will continue their problem solving on multiplication and division as well as measurement.
New tasks have been set in relation to Multiplication and Division. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
This week the children have continued looking at the features of explanation texts during guided reading and writing workshop. Some of the classes have also been creating some poems based on The Magic Box by Kit Wright. They have been using their comprehension key visualising to help them visualise what was in the Magic Box. They have then used similes, metaphors and descriptive language to make the poems more interesting.
The comprehension key we have been focusing on has been determining importance.
In Information Literacy the children have continued their work with Ms Jeves and learning all about the digestive system.
Isaac Chung 3M
Ariel Cheung 3M
Charlie Yu 3M
Marcus Lee 3A
Adrian Lee 3D
Aaron Wang