Year 3 Update Wk 15
The Year 3 children will be having a Christmas party on Friday 9th December. The children will need to come into school wearing party clothes on this day.
On party day the children will have an extended lunchtime to eat their buffet-style party lunch. On this date, please send your food item(s) in disposable containers or named reusable ones. If your child is bringing hot food, this may be delivered to the office by 12.00pm at the latest. Boxed drinks will be provided by school, but children should also bring their own water, as per usual.
Please find more information about the Christmas party on the letter that your child has taken home.
Please remember to cancel Delifresh lunches on Party day.
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
Well done to 3M for a great assembly and for sharing their discoveries and experiences from camp! The children really enjoyed performing and displaying their singing and dancing skills on stage. Thank you to the parents and guardians who came along and supported 3M!
The children enjoyed going to L.E.A.P to learn about body systems and how to care and nurture their bodies. The children took part in activities that enabled them to make decisions, problem solve and interact with their peers by discussing possible alternative actions to address problem situations relating to their own health and well-being.
The interaction between body systems helps us to keep healthy and survive.
Lines of Inquiry
- How the body systems work (Function)
- Interdependence and independence between the body systems (Connection)
- Impact of lifestyle choices on the body systems (Responsibility)
This week the children looked at mystery questions by determining which questions were important and gathered information for their chosen system.
Next week the children will begin to plan for their research on their chosen expert system.
- The roles of symbols and the language of multiplication and division
- Mental and written strategies for multiplication and division
- The relationship between multiplication and division
This week in number maths, the children continued their exploration of multiplicative thinking by focusing on arrays.
Next week the children will inquire into division and focus on key vocabulary and word problems.
New tasks have been set in relation to Multiplication and Division Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
This week the children have been composing list poems using the sounds that they recorded from around BHS,
For the next few weeks in English, we will look at different forms of poetry. The comprehension key we will be looking at will be determining importance.
In Information Literacy the children have been identifying key words within a text and sorting questions based on importance.
Please support your child in this weeks homework where they will be determining the important facts from the passage.
Teresa Rana 3M
Victoria Teh 3A
Trinity Wong 3D
Rheanne Chan