Year 3 Update Wk 13
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
The children have begun their striking and fielding rotations at the pitch. The children will be learning how to play rounders, bucket rounders and kick ball.
The children have reflected on their camp experiences and have written a detailed recount about their time at camp. It is refreshing to hear all the positive comments from parents. All the adults felt extremely proud of how the children maintained a Growth Mindset and embarked on new challenges. The children are already looking forward to Year 4 camp and have begun to set themselves challenges for next year.
Scientists learn about forces and motion through scientific process
The children embraced the challenge of conducting their science investigation for their summative task. They loved being scientists and presenting in front of their friends!
Next week we begin unpacking our new Central Idea and starting our next Unit of Inquiry.
- The roles of symbols and the language of multiplication and division
- Mental and written strategies for multiplication and division
- The relationship between multiplication and division
This week the children have completed their summative assessment for Addition and Subtraction. Ask your children about some of the strategies they have learnt and can use to help them problem solve.
New tasks have been set in relation to Addition and Subtraction. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
Our focus for the next few weeks in English will be different forms of poetry. The comprehension key we will be looking at will be determining importance.
Please support your child in this weeks homework where they will be determining the important facts from the passage.
Gabriel Chan 3M
Garrett Cheung 3A
Khushi Shah 3D
SLT Award
Kaylee Fish 3A