Year 3 Update Wk 18
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
It has been a very busy week in Year 3. The children have been extremely productive with regards to displaying and presenting their learning in a variety of ways. It has been lovely to see all the children engaged and eagerly talking among their peers about their expert systems. Next week is sure to be an exciting one and the children are looking forward to sharing their learning with their classmates.
The interaction between body systems helps us to keep healthy and survive.
Lines of Inquiry
- How the body systems work (Function)
- Interdependence and independence between the body systems (Connection)
- Impact of lifestyle choices on the body systems (Responsibility)
This week the children decided how they would display their learning. They have been very creative and have chosen a variety of ways to showcase their knowledge. Next week, the children will present the information that they have gathered from the research sessions to their classmates.
- The roles of symbols and the language of multiplication and division
- Mental and written strategies for multiplication and division
- The relationship between multiplication and division
This week the children have been exploring mental multiplication strategies and enjoyed playing the double-double game.
In Strand Maths, the children were exploring the concept of mass and will continue to inquire into measurement next week. Talk to your child about the relationship between grams and kilograms and what ‘hefting’ means.
New tasks have been set in relation to Multiplication and Division. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.
The comprehension key we have been focusing on has been determining importance.
In Information Literacy the children have continued their work with Ms Jeves by learning about the three different types of muscles. The children used the ‘Draw it/ recall it’ visible thinking tool to help them recall key information.
Bryce Wong 3A Mandarin
Linda Shin 3D Mandarin
Cass Lam 3D Mandarin
Rachel Leung 3A
Glendon Tsoi 3D
Tin Hang Ng 3M