Year 2 Update Wk 6
Parent Consultations – Please sign up on the Gateway
Community Chest Casual Dress Day
BHS CPD Day, No School
BHS CPD Day, No School
The children have been thinking about what they have learned throughout this unit of inquiry. They have thought about what they already do to be healthy and what they could change to improve their well-being.
This week 2K downloaded the data from their fitness trackers. They found out how many steps they took over the week and discussed why the amount of steps they took changed throughout the day.
The children continue to enjoy the library sessions.
The children have also been practising their number bonds to 10 and 20.
Our personal choices can impact the environment
Lines of Inquiry
- Decomposing (function)
- How our actions affect the environment (causation)
- Personal choices that can help sustain the environment (reflection)
Recall number bonds for 20 and related subtraction facts
- Recall doubles to 20
- Recall number bonds to twenty accurately.
Identify and describe the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction
- Recognise number properties that might help predict a pattern, e.g. odd and even or inverse relationships (7-2=5 and 5+2=7).
The children will be using various manipulatives and playing different games to help them develop understanding, accuracy and confidence with these calculations.
A fun game for the children to build up their number bonds to 10, 20 and 30:
Live Maths on the Mathletics website is also a great way to build up speed and accuracy with number bonds.
The children will then focus on using capital letters and full stops in the correct places in sentences, remembering capital letters are also used for all proper nouns.
SLT Award: Stephanie Lowe 2K & Thomas Yuan 2G
Spelling is going well! Your child should have new spelling card for the next 4 weeks. Please remember to work through the tasks a little at a time, and return the spelling journal to the teacher for review. Please remember to sign your child’s spelling sheet when they have completed the tasks.
Reading Eggs and Mathletics passwords are in the front of your child’s diary.
Just a reminder to stay familiar with Hong Kong’s policy on the different typhoon’s and rain signals. ESF has collected the policies here!
BHS Community Choir
Last January we held the inaugural meeting of the BHS Community Choir and went on to perform at the International Food Fair, the Chinese New Year show and the Summer Music Concert. The choir will re-form this year, starting on Thursday October 20th at 7pm. Everyone is welcome – no experience necessary! New and existing members are very welcome. Please click on this link to register: