Year 2 Update Wk 4
Lifestyle choices can affect human health and well-being
Lines of Inquiry
- What it means to have a balanced lifestyle (causation)
- The choices we make that affect our health (reflection)
- Our responsibility for our own well-being (responsibility)
This week classes have been continuing to look at healthy eating; what is nutritious and good for them. We have chosen to create our own sandwiches as part of our trip to Penfold Park. Each child has had the opportunity to choose between a variety of fillings and to determine whether or not the choices they have made are healthy.
In groups we have chosen to complete 4 activities around the 4 areas of; rest and relaxation, nature, exercise with different equipment and exercise without any equipment.
Recognise, model, read, write and order three digit numbers
Studying spelling words is new for Year 2 students, and is completed on a weekly basis. Please take a look at the folder with your child and remember to do two of the activities. Please sign the spelling sheet when the activities have been completed.
Your child had their first spelling test today. They now need to learn the words from the second column.
Please read with your child daily, preferably to mum or dad, then the child should retell the story including the main events and details without looking at the book. It is also good to ask your child a few questions about why they think certain things happened to build inference skills. Your comment and signature confirms that your child has read with an adult.
Please remember to keep all your information up to date on the Gateway. This also includes any medical information or dietary requirements about your child.