Year 2 Update Wk 34
Thursday 22nd June – Thank You Afternoon Tea for weekly parent helpers. Please remember to RSVP
Friday 30th June – Last day of school, school finishes at 12pm.
The last day for borrowing home readers is Monday. After this the books will undergo a stocktake and organisation. Great reading, Year 2s!
This week we braved a typhoon signal and managed to have our playtimes outside in between the rainstorms.
Our last day to return books in the library was this week, so please make sure your child brings any overdue books back to school. They should let their teachers know they have brought the books so that a time can be arranged to return them to the library.
We have also been continuing our extra Information Literacy sessions with Ms Jeves, and the class has really enjoyed finding out about juicy questions and determining what’s important vs what’s only interesting when reading for information.
Central idea: Geography influences how individuals interact with their environment.
Lines of inquiry:
- The significant features of places -form
- How the features of a place influence our activities -function
- The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection
The children have selected countries or places that they would like to learn more about to create something to share their learning. There is a wide variety of places, and the children are quite excited to find out more. Each class has brainstormed a number of questions to help guide their research and determine what is important while they read. Big Universe has been a great resource, so hopefully you have had a chance to look through it at home with your child.
Next week they will begin crafting their information into interesting and persuasive sentences.
Count by naming numbers in sequences, to and back from 999, moving from any starting point
- Connect number names and numerals to the quantities they represent up to 999
- Count on and back to 999, moving from any starting point
Recognise, model, read, write and order three digit numbers
- Model numbers up to 999
- Read numbers up to 999
- Write numbers up to 999
- Order numbers up to 999
- Round up or down to the nearest 10
Apply place value to partition and rename, numbers to three digit numbers
- Partition and combine numbers to 999 (Hundreds, Tens and Units/Ones)
- Identify the value of a digit within a three digit number
- Apply their place value knowledge in a game situation
- Regroup/trade numbers up to 999
This week we introduced a number of challenges that encourage creative use of all Maths skills. Students played Now I Am 8, and tried to make as many maths questions with 8 as the answer. Some interesting ones were, “How many points are on a cube?” “Four rows of two equals what?” and “If I have 32 cookies and 4 friends, how many cookies does each friend get?” Students have to work backwards from the answer to figure out ways to get there. It’s a good skill! Many students were using the jump strategies we practised last week. Great work!
As mentioned last week, spelling tests are done for the year, and with home reading finishing Monday of next week it’s time to get reading at home!
Another tool that has been very helpful for the children’s research projects is! This is basically a Google search that has been filtered for children. Look at what great information can turn up:
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary lists the verb “google” as lowercase, but notes that it is often capitalised. The Oxford English Dictionary draft entry shows the verb “Google” capitalised, but some of the example sentences have it lowercase. In searching for an older, analogous situation, I discovered that Bryan Garner says “xerox” is usually not capitalised when it’s used as a verb, but sometimes it is.
Although there doesn’t seem to be an absolute rule, companies prefer that you capitalise trademarked terms if you insist on using them as verbs. The best advice I can give you is to pick a style and stick with it. – From Grammar Girl and
And have a great weekend!