Year 2 Update Wk 33
Friday 30th June – Last day of school, school finishes at 12pm.
This week is the last chance to return any books to the Learning Centre before the summer. If your child has any books at home could you please help them to return them.
We started our week with a fantastic trip to Victoria Peak and we had a day of glorious sunshine which made it even more special.
We have been learning more about places around the world and begun to look at the layout and key requirements of a holiday brochure. Miss Jeves has continued to help us identify different types of questions and how these can help put us into our “Stretchy Space”. Mr Thompson has been working with 2K also to look at different reading skills. We’ve had lots of fun looking at maps and using ICT to help with our inquiries.
Central idea: Geography influences how individuals interact with their environment.
Lines of inquiry:
- The significant features of places -form
- How the features of a place influence our activities -function
- The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection
On Monday we visited Victoria Peak as part of the UOI. We split into three groups and carried out a rotation of activities; questioning people about their activities, sketching Victoria harbour and sketching the reservoir etc.
We were very confident and asked lots of good questions in a variety of languages including- Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin and Korean. We identified the workers, tourists etc and how the Geographical nature of Victoria Peak was affecting their pursuits.
Our sketches identified the key features of Hong Kong. This included the buildings, water, mountains and roads.
In class we have been learning about Hong Kong and the features of the landscape and how these have an effect on peoples activities. Miss Jeves shared with us her experiences of New Zealand and we learned about how the locals interact with their environment down there.
Next week we shall be researching a country of our choice and be creating a Lapbook/brochure which outlines the activities and interesting facts.
Count by naming numbers in sequences, to and back from 999, moving from any starting point
- Connect number names and numerals to the quantities they represent up to 999
- Count on and back to 999, moving from any starting point
Recognise, model, read, write and order three digit numbers
- Model numbers up to 999
- Read numbers up to 999
- Write numbers up to 999
- Order numbers up to 999
- Round up or down to the nearest 10
Apply place value to partition and rename, numbers to three digit numbers
- Partition and combine numbers to 999 (Hundreds, Tens and Units/Ones)
- Identify the value of a digit within a three digit number
- Apply their place value knowledge in a game situation Regroup/trade numbers up to 999
We have had an extremely busy week in Year 2 with Maths. Each class has been learning how to count quickly by using the jumping method. We have learned to jump in Tens and then add on the Ones. We have also been revising halving and doubling during mental maths.
At the beginning of the week we were pushed into our “Stretchy Space” when we successfully added three numbers together. We found this tricky but fun at the same time.
Next week we shall be trying some new problem solving related to multiplication, division, addition and subtraction to help consolidate our learning from the past year.
We have continued with our writer’s workshop this week and have focused on different skills to help improve our writing. We have looked at punctuation and are still working hard to introduce new types of punctuation when carrying out our fast writes in class. After returning from Victoria Peak, we have written a recount of our activities, what we saw etc. Linking to our UOI, we have been learning about the layout and features of a brochure and as a whole class we created a tourism brochure for Hong Kong. During Info Lit, we have been looking at determining the importance of the information we research. Miss Jeves has been teaching us how to identify primary and secondary sources. We watched a video of New Zealand and tried to identify the different backdrops etc.
We thought up questions that we could ask to find out about a new country and we created a Wonder Wall with our thoughts. As a class we split these into 5 categories and we will use these to direct our learning next week.
Spelling– Friday 2nd June was the last Spelling Test of the year. The children will not receive new words. Parents are welcome to continue practising the words previously given to the pupils.