19 May 2017

Year 2 Update Wk 30

The children have a lot of fun this week with the start of our new unit of inquiry. The children had to locate flags hidden around the playground and solve a puzzle linked to it.  The children also had to draw what they thought a map of the World looked like.

Outdoor Classroom Day Website

 BHS took part in Outdoor Classroom Day where classes all around the world take the opportunity to spend more time outdoor than they usually would. Here are some photos of Year 2 taking their learning outdoors.


Central idea: Geography influences how individuals interact with their environment.

Lines of inquiry:

  1. The significant features of places -form
  2. How the features of a place influence our activities -function
  3. The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection

The children are looking forward to visiting The Peak where they will develop their understanding of the geographical orientation of Hong Kong.


Congratulations, Golden Book Winners!
2K – Andy Pan
2G – Felix Lee
2M – Nadine Schneider
Remember, there are BigUniverse.com passwords in your home school diaries. There are over 100,000 books in this website, and it is very easy to use.
Don’t forget to see what has been set for Mathletics.