Year 2 Update Wk 29
Thank you so much to all the parents who came on our trip to Discovery Bay. The children had a fantastic time and learned a lot about different forms of transport, reading signs and following directions. We wouldn’t have been able to go without you!
Central idea: Geography influences how individuals interact with their environment.
Lines of inquiry:
- The significant features of places -form
- How the features of a place influence our activities -function
- The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection
The children will be completing a fun provocation into the new unit and we will also complete a pre-assessment to find out their prior knowledge.
The trip to Victoria Peak will also help develop their understanding of features of places and geographical orientation of Hong Kong.
The children in Year 2 will be going over what they have learned about place value throughout the year. They will also use their knowledge of place value to solve a variety of word and number problems.
Count by naming numbers in sequences, to and back from 999, moving from any starting point
- Connect number names and numerals to the quantities they represent up to 999
- Count on and back to 999, moving from any starting point
Recognise, model, read, write and order three digit numbers
- Model numbers up to 999
- Read numbers up to 999
- Write numbers up to 999
- Order numbers up to 999
- Round up or down to the nearest 10
Apply place value to partition and rename, numbers to three digit numbers
- Partition and combine numbers to 999 (Hundreds, Tens and Units/Ones)
- Identify the value of a digit within a three digit number
- Apply their place value knowledge in a game situation Regroup/trade numbers up to 999