23 Mar 2017

Year 2 Update Wk 26


The children had a wonderful time on Monday in their different character and maths costumes. A lot of time and effort clearly went into the designing and making of some of them so well done.

Year 2 were lucky to have another visiting author. David Schwartz showed the children how there is so much more to books than just reading, there can also be maths! The children enjoyed listening to him reading his books and helped him with some of the maths elements. How much popcorn do you think he has in that bag?

The children in Year 2 are also being taught about colour mixing during some extra art lessons with Ms Yu.

Central idea: Transport systems are directly related to the needs of a community 

Lines of inquiry: 

  1. Features/parts of transportation systems 
  2. Decisions involved in using transportation 
  3. How elements of a transport system connect to meet the needs of a community 

The children have enjoyed sharing their knowledge of the different transport systems in HK. They have also had time to create a town and play with HK vehicle models.

Next week the children will visit Kowloon Tong MTR station to find out how it operates and how the station links to other transport systems such as buses and taxis.They will be thinking about how maps and signs are used to help people find their way and the facilities at the station. The children will also be designing vehicles which they will make after the holidays.

Thank you for all the boxes that have been brought into classes already. Please help us to collect more. We are looking for bottle tops and containers, especially cardboard such as cereal boxes and anything smaller.


The children are looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes through a series of problem solving activities. They have been creating patterns out of shapes with a certain number of sides, creating as many different shapes as possible inside squares by drawing dissecting lines and also using rulers and isometric paper to practise drawing and labelling 2D shapes. The children will be looking at the properties of 3D shapes by observing, visualising and questioning. They will also be creating and designing 3D shapes.

There was no Golden Book this week! It will return March 27.
As we are learning about the different transport systems in HK, the Easter holidays would be a great opportunity for you and your family to go on HK transport. If you’re feeling up to it, maybe you could have a fun transport day out. Have you been on the Peak Tram or the Star Ferry? How about the tram or the MTR? What forms of transport are fast/slow? Are some more expensive? Are some more crowded than others? What can you find out? If you happen to be heading out to Cheung Chau for a day out, look out for the helicopter landing pad and the mini emergency vehicles.

We are looking for parent helpers to assist with PMP for Term 3.  The PMP program aims to give students experiences in seeing, hearing, touching, processing, making perceptual judgements and reacting through carefully sequenced activities. These include running, hopping, skipping, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching, bowling, sliding, etc. using a variety of common and specially designed equipment to develop perception and motor outcomes along with memory training.  Please email Miss Chung if you think you could commit to a weekly timeslot at susan.chung@bhs.edu.hk