Year 2 Update Wk 22
Thursday 2nd March – Materials Clothing Contest in Yr 2! – No need to wear the uniform, but be ready to talk about each material your outfit is made of. Who can wear the most types of materials??
Friday 3rd March – Student Led Conferences
Thank you very much for the parents that were able to come to Sports Day. The weather was wonderfully cooperative for a day of exercise, and it turned out to be a lovely day. The children had a great time, and we appreciate all the help from specialist teachers and Mr. Teahan.
Central idea: People use and change materials to suit their needs
lines of inquiry:
- The properties of materials and how they are used
- How materials can change
- The manipulation of materials for new purposes
The children have been taking the next step of the scientific process in their classes. Each class has taken an experiment and students had to think of ways to change a variable to learn more from how the results changed. One class had to take cotton material and try to change it to make it waterproof, and then design waterproof hats. Other groups tried to see what could change paper to make it stronger. Another class tried to use materials to keep ice cubes from melting!
Next week, we will continue to experiment and discuss the language of materials.
Here are the outcomes that we are inquiring into in Maths.
Model multiplication and division using groups and/or arrays
- Groups and shares collections of objects equally, recording the grouping and sharing informally
- Models the relationship between multiplication and division using arrays
Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations
Use estimation to check reasonableness of answers to calculations
Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
This week in Maths, students used skip counting to reinforce multiplication. Students were given arrays and asked to write multiplication story problems that would give the answer. We also practised reporting information from multiplication problems in different ways.
As many parents know, many cases of chickenpox have been reported, especially in 2G with around eleven cases and several other absences. There will likely be more cases in the future, so please observe your children and have any suspected cases confirmed by a doctor. Thank you!