Year 2 Update Wk 13
Daily Collection Children are taken by their class teacher to the front stairs at 2:55pm daily, to allow them to leave the building in a safe manner by 3:00pm.
Jewelry Some children have been coming to school wearing costume jewellery. Children are kindly asked to leave this at home to ensure that it does not get lost or damaged in school.
This week we had a guest speaker, Mr Chau who is an environmental lecturer in Hong Kong. He helped us to understand and make connections to our second line of inquiry: our actions can affect the environment. He gave us lots of new ideas on how we can be more environmentally aware at school and at home.
This week the children enjoyed a variety of different rotations during their time at pitch. 2M were working on their football skills, 2F learnt about quick cricket and rugby and 2A were introduced to some fitness skills and hockey.
The children’s next spelling test will be on Friday 27th November. If you could please make sure they are completing at least 3 activities during the week, but recording only one in their spelling journals.
Fruity Friday
Every week at Beacon Hill will be having ‘Fruity Friday’. Children are asked to bring a piece of fruit as their healthy snack. We will let you know in advance if and when PTA will be selling fruit so that your child can bring in money then.