Year 2 Update Wk 12
This week in Year 2 we have continued our weekly visits to the Pitch. We have been having fun trying new exercises and playing with our friends outdoors.
We have been looking at different ways we can impact the environment and discussing the choices we can make to help protect it. We have worked individually, in pairs and in groups. We have completed some super leaf paintings and our Hong Kong Skyline. Children have been using leaves and sticks from outdoors to create some wonderful pictures. We are very proud of our achievements.
We began to write our pledges and have been working in groups to think about our thinking around air, land and water pollution. 2M have created some super posters to show their ideas.
Our personal choices can impact the environment
Lines of Inquiry
- Decomposing (function)
- How our actions affect the environment (causation)
- Personal choices that can help sustain the environment (reflection)
2K have been regularly checking their science experiments for decomposing and they are noting the physical changes. The children have been working in different ways to create a ‘Green Pledge’ to identify one change they can make in their daily lives to help protect the environment. Each child had the choice to choose their own type of pollution and they identified some excellent choices.
We have begun to create posters to show our thinking and have been using different media to research our key areas. We have been working on identifying information that’s important and irrelevant. We then used a ‘Before and After’ organiser to help us arrange our thoughts. Across the year, the children have been working on their listening and speaking skills as they have been sharing their learning with their peers and class teacher. We shall continue with this next week and try to identify key facts and reflect upon our pledges. As we think this is an important cause, we shall be writing persuasive letters to share our pledges with a chosen individual.
Find equal parts of shapes and collections
- Equally share a collection of objects into 2 or more equal groups for example by sharing 12 balls between 3 bags by using number facts 4+4+4=12.
- Discuss possible strategies if the whole parts cannot be shared equally e.g.: 3 people, 5 cakes – how much cake each?
- Find equal parts of shapes for example folding paper squares – how many ways can you divide it equally?
This week in Year 2 we began to look at different fractions. We completed a pre-assessment to recall any previous learning and then we discussed our findings as a class. We have begun to look at halves and quarters of shapes and also looked at grouping objects into specific numbers. Next week we shall continue to look at splitting numbers equally and focus on sharing them equally and the language of fractions.
Phonics– ‘o, o_e, ow, oa’ We have continued to work on our Guided Reading strategies in class and making connections with our reading to self, text and the wider world. We began to plan our letters to help support our pledges and started using persuasive language. We have been focusing on using connectives; because, and, then, to make our sentences more interesting.
2M and 2G shall be visiting the Eco Park and we shall reflect on our experiences; things we saw and how it made us feel etc.
Through our class readers we shall continue to work on before and after. We shall identify key words we knew before reading the book and make suggestions of new information we have learned after.
2K Cassie Razon
2G Mark Yuen
2M Yeonseo Kim
Mandarin Davy Wong
Info Lit Trevor Tsang