Year 2 Update Wk 10
The children in Year 2 were extremely lucky to have two visiting speakers this week. Dana, from Plastic Free Seas came in to talk to the children about the plastic in our oceans. She spoke about where the plastic is from, how it gets into our oceans, the impact it has and what we could do to reduce the amount. Ask your child about all the interesting information they found out from Dana and ways in which they can reduce the amount of plastic waste they produce.
Jacqueline Harvey, an Australian author, also came in to speak to the children about her books. She spoke about her childhood and how it inspired her ideas about the characters in her books.
The children listened very well and learned a lot from both speakers.
The children did some environmental art. Children used leaves to make leaf rubbings and also to create pictures.
Our personal choices can impact the environment
Lines of Inquiry
- Decomposing (function)
- How our actions affect the environment (causation)
- Personal choices that can help sustain the environment (reflection)
The children will continue with their science experiments to see what affects rates of decomposition. They will be observing and discussing what they see.
The children will be continuing to look at the different causes of pollution (air, land, water) and will research and discuss the effects. After looking at the causes and effects, they will then make a pledge as to how they might help to reduce the pollution in one of the areas and how they could do this.
The children will be looking at different ways in which they can record the information they already know and the information that they find out about.
Addition and subtraction
The children are looking at different strategies to help them add and subtract numbers up to a hundred. The children will also continue to solve mathematical problems involving addition.
Data Handling
The children are looking at different ways to sort information. They have been using Venn diagrams and pictographs.
There was no Golden Book due to the whole school photograph being taken.