Year 2 Update Wk 21
Thursday 23rd February – Year 1 & 2 Sports Day
Friday 3rd March – Student Led Conferences
We have clear expectations regarding our school uniform. Sometimes students may need to wear something different for a short period of time if they have outgrown a pair of shoes for example, but we encourage everyone to adhere to the uniform at all times. We appreciate your support in helping to ensure we maintain our strong identity and that all the children feel a sense of pride in wearing the BHS colours.
This week in Year 2 we have been extremely busy testing the properties of different materials. We have carried out lots of different experiments and created some fantastic pictures using the materials. We have been learning about multiplication and division and have begun to plan our stories for next week.
Central idea: People use and change materials to suit their needs
lines of inquiry:
- The properties of materials and how they are used
- How materials can change
- The manipulation of materials for new purposes
The children will be inquiring into the different properties of materials.
This week we have carried out a variety of different experiments. We have predicted the outcome of the tests and reviewed and reflected on the results. Some examples of the experiments are; condensation, corn starch, floating and sinking and using kinetic sand.
We have been discussing the vocabulary we can use to describe the properties of the materials and also their purpose in every day life. We have watched some short clips to understand how tin cans and paper are made.
As part of art, we have used a variety of materials to create some beautiful and funky collage pictures. We enjoyed being creative and expressing our ideas.
Here are the outcomes that we are inquiring into in Maths.
Model multiplication and division using groups and/or arrays
- Groups and shares collections of objects equally, recording the grouping and sharing informally
- Models the relationship between multiplication and division using arrays
Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations
Use estimation to check reasonableness of answers to calculations
Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
This week we have been learning about multiplication and division. We have been looking at the relationship between both, and learning how to check if our answers are correct.
We have been challenged by this but have found it extremely fun and enjoyable.
The children will continue to practise sharing amounts and objects into equal groups using arrays. We will continue to learn how to divide numbers by a single digit. Next week, we will try to use our problem solving skills to answer some division problems.