Year 1 Update – Wk 34
Yoga This week all the year one children enjoyed a yoga session with Miss Fisher who teaches in year four at B.H.S. She showed us how yoga can tell a story using the well known favourite ‘Where the Wild Things Are’.
Portfolios This week the children have been busy reflecting upon some of the learning that they have done this term. Children have chosen some evidence of learning to go into their paper portfolios. The children wrote reasons on a portfolio tag why they had chosen a particular piece of work. We hope that you enjoy sharing your child’s portfolio when them when they go home on Wednesday 21st June.
Art with Mrs Yu Here are some photos of 1F during their art sessions with Mrs Yu. .
Wet Weather boots We have noticed that some children are coming to school wearing rain boots over the last few weeks especially on rainy days. If your child does come to school wearing boots please have them bring their correct school shoes in their bag to change into when they get to school.
Home Reading Monday 19th June will be the last day for home reading borrowing for year one. On Tuesday 20th June all children will return their home reading books and not borrow a new book. Please have a look at home and make sure that there are not any B.H.S home reading books on your child’s bookshelf. During the summer holidays your child can still read with you. You can borrow books from public libraries and also read books from big universe.
Probability Next week we begin a unit on probably. We will discuss everyday events and talk about the chances of these events happening. The language that we will focus on is ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen
Please talk to your child at home about at home about the chances of events happening such as rain, going on an outing etc. Ask you children child to explain what they chose ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’.
Please continue to complete mathletics activities regularly at home. Children need to complete their Mathletics learning with an adult. Together please focus on each question by drawing, acting or playing with manipulatives. Ask your child to explain their thinking. If your child can explain what they did it means that they understand it. At school we expect a thorough explanation rather than “I thought of it” or “I just know”.
Narrative Writing
Unit six continues during phonics. Please support your child at home by playing the suggested games and activities on the previous phonics bookmark.
Phonemes: qu, ng, x, ck
Camera Words: away, see, look, very, once, we
Well done to all our Golden Book Winners for this week
1F- Kaiton Yeung and Marcus Lau
1L- Marco Ishak
1W- Caylix Lau
Other information
Brainpop Jr.
Through the year, we have been enjoying the Brainpop and Brainpop Jnr website, which particularly helped the children learn about different concepts for our year long unit about the Earth’s changes. Since we have now finished this unit we are not watching the films or playing the games so much at school. However, the children do really enjoy this website and so we do encourage you to explore finding out about the different things you are interested in at home. The areas of interest are, Reading and Writing, Maths, Health, Social Studies, Science and Arts and Technology.
Please check it out:
Username: beaconhillhk
Password: brains