Year 1 Update – Wk 32
Class Assemblies
Earlier in the year we were treated to a class assembly all about Earth changes by 1W and today 1F did an amazing job showing us how stories can be told in different ways. Class assemblies are a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their learning with the wider school community and they are invaluable in allowing the children to express themselves, develop confidence in their oral skills and appreciate the learning of others. Next week the last Year 1 assembly will take place with 1L sharing an important message about co-operation.
This week the Year 1 children have been immersed in the joy of storytelling by having the opportunity to develop their own storytelling skills through puppet play, role play and using small world story trays. It has been pleasing to see the children working co-operatively in groups to come up with their own stories. Storytelling is important in helping the children to extend their vocabulary, develop their imagination, understand the roles of a storyteller and an audience and learn about the features of a narrative. Please support this learning at home by giving the children the opportunity to make up and perform their own stories.
At BHS we want to nurture life long readers who love books and reading. When reading with your child at home try to talk about and encourage your child to be proud of how much progress they have made already and discourage any comparisons with other children. By trying to continually make improvements by making targets for themselves and reflecting on these targets to see how much better they are getting encourages a healthy growth mindset.
Estimate, compare, describe and measure the length, mass and capacity of objects using nonstandard units
For the next three weeks Year One will be focusing on measurement. Each class will take a different focus each week, including, mass, capacity and temperature.
The children will be working to estimate how much something might weigh/ fill/ feel and learn to make comparisons. There is a lot of vocabulary related to measuring and the children will be learning to use a wide range of words in the correct context.
Please refer to the measurement section of Mathletics to reinforce what we are learning at school, at home. Children need to complete their Mathletics learning with an adult. Together please focus on each question by drawing, acting or playing with manipulatives. Ask your child to explain their thinking. If your child can explain what they did it means that they understand it. At school we expect a thorough explanation rather than “I thought of it” or “I just know”.
Unit six continues during phonics. The phonic bookmark will be sent home early next week. Please support your child at home by playing the suggested games and activities on the phonics bookmark.
Phonemes: qu, ng, x, ck
Camera Words: away, see, look, very, once, we
Due to the public holiday there was no Golden Book Assembly this week.
Golden Book will resume on Monday 5th June.
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