Year 1 Update – Wk 30
This week the children have been spending time on completing the year long unit, How the World Works. The children have rounded up all their learning from this unit and completed a summative assessment to conclude it. Please note that 1F and 1L have also been preparing for their upcoming assemblies.
In preparation for our final unit starting next week, the children enjoyed a fantastic puppet show performance this week. We saw examples of shadow puppets, string puppets and hand puppets.
Outdoor Classroom Day Website
We are so pleased that the Year 1 children are continuing to enjoy baking and preparing their meals at home. Here are the photos to show Marcus making naan breads and Shanica making cookies. Well done everyone!
Estimate, compare, describe and measure the length, mass and capacity of objects using nonstandard units
For the next three weeks Year One will be focusing on measurement. Each class will take a different focus each week, including, mass, capacity and temperature.
The children will be working to estimate how much something could weigh/ fill/ feel and learn to make comparisons. There is a lot of vocabulary related to measuring and the children will be learning to use a wide range of words in the correct context.
Please refer to the measurement section of mathletics to reinforce what we are learning at school, at home. Children need to complete their mathletics learning with an adult. Together please focus on each question by drawing, acting or playing with manipulatives. Ask your child to explain their thinking. If your child can explain what they did it means that they understand it. At school we expect a thorough explanation rather than “I thought of it” or “I just know”.
Next week we will be introducing Unit 6 phonemes and camera words. The phonic bookmark will be sent home early next week. Please support your child at home by playing the suggested games and activities on the phonics bookmark.
Phonemes: qu, ng, x, ck
Camera Words: away, see, look, very, once, we
Congratulations to this week’s Golden Book recipients.
1F – Charlotte Ma
1L – Khristie Turnwald
1W – Daphne Luk
ICT- Mona Chen
Experience Suggestion
Baking – Linking to this week’s bake sale and also with the children learning about mass and capacity, using cups (capacity) or weighing scales (mass), this is a good opportunity for the children to have first hand experience of real- life maths. Please choose a recipe together and work together to making an end product that your child can be really proud of.