15 Apr 2016

Year 1 Update – Wk 30

Monday 2nd May – Public Holiday, no school
Tuesday 3rd May – BHS  Professional Development day, no school for children
Friday 13th May – Year 1 Sharing Day
Tuesday 17th May – Year 1 Bake Sale


Welcome back! We hope you had a fun and restful two week holiday. It has been a busy week back with Year 5 Market Day, starting our dance and extra music sessions, and finishing up our Unit Of Inquiry for Sharing the Planet. We also had a surprise Mystery Storyteller from Mr. Harrison, who told a great story about his dog from memory… no book!

Congratulations to 1F on a fantastic class assembly! Great work remembering those lines and actions over a two week holiday. You have clearly learned a lot about plants and how they contribute to life on Earth!

 As mentioned above, we started preparing for Sharing Day this week. Sharing Day is an opportunity set aside in each year group to share parts of a Unity of Inquiry with parents through the arts. On May 13th (times to be to determined!) we ask parents to come in for a few hours to watch a dance, join in some musical activities, view artwork, and participate in some fun in an artistic way!

Because of the changes in schedule, we have had to move a few things around. Library sessions have moved for 1F to Friday afternoon, and for 1G to Friday morning. Thank you!

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea: People Can Share Stories In Different Ways To Communicate

This is a continuation of the year long unit that we touch upon throughout all three school terms. We focus our inquiry into ways people tell stories, why, and how we respond to stories. It’s a great unit to enjoy our favourite books and traditional tales as well as creating our own stories.

To practise at home, spend some time talking about stories. Can you tell a story without a book? What do you think the purpose of that story is? How does it make you feel? Try telling that story in a new way – with a dance, or song!

Central Idea: Shapes are classified and named according to their properties

Many students have a strong background knowledge of 3D shapes already. To support this prior knowledge, we ask students to go beyond naming the shapes and to think about the relationship between 2D and 3D shapes. What 2D shapes compose each 3D shape? Can you create a template to fold a paper into each 3D shape? How many edges and faces does it have?

Artists use 3D shapes too! A good way to sketch animals and people is to think of them as 3D shapes. What 3D shapes is your body composed of? Can you try drawing your body in a 3D way?

This is a great UOI to connect to English. We will focus on creating stories that are interesting by looking at what good authors do and studying what stories we like. We will work on descriptive language to add detail, and making sure our stories have characters, a setting, conflict, and resolution.


We start a new group! Group 6 phonemes and camera words are:

ck, ng, qu, x
away  see  look  very  once  we 

We still need parent helpers! If you can volunteer from 1:30 – 2:45 Monday or Wednesday for the next few weeks please let Ms. Chung or your class teacher know. These volunteers help us give more support to students in small groups and allows children to be independent learners outside the classroom!