28 Apr 2017

Year 1 Update – Wk 28


 Monday 1st May – Public holiday
Tuesday 2nd May – BHS CPD Day – school is closed
Wednesday 3rd May – Public holiday
Friday 12th May – Year 1 Sharing Day – Please read the letter that is sent home carefully for important information.
Tuesday 23rd May – Year 1 Bake Sale – a letter will follow with information about this
Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th May – School Closed
Tuesday 16th May – Puppet show at school
Monday 29th May – BHS CPD no school
Tuesday 30th May – Public holiday
Friday 2nd June – 1F class assembly
Friday 9th June – 1L Assembly (Changed from 26th May)

Sharing the Planet:  This week clay, extra music and media lessons continued.  In the classroom, children starting planning and making their diorama as well as begun to create paper.

Green week:   This week the children participated in many of the ‘Green Week’ activities that happened throughout the school.  The children enjoyed watching The Lorax, finding the animals for the hunt and dressing up in green colours today.

Well done to the children who participated in the ‘Trashion Fashion’ competition!  We were impressed by so much creativity!

Zen Organic Farm:   Thank you so much to the parents who came and helped on our trip to the Zen Organic Farm.  For many of the children, this was the first time that they had been to a farm.   The children experienced picking tomatoes, seeing where a variety of different vegetables grow, feeding a pig and some rabbits as well as making pizza and salad for their lunch.


Year 3 Action Day: Year 3 will be having an Action day on Friday 5th May to support the following charities; Indochina Starfish Foundation, Christina Noble Children’s Foundation, OneSky and Crossroads. The children have organised and will run a series of different activities and stalls to help raise awareness and funds for the below charities.

IndoChina Starfish foundation is an organisation commited to changing the lives of disadvantaged children in Cambodia.

OneSky aims to unlock the vast potential hidden in our world’s most vulnerable young children.

Crossroads Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit organisation. Their goal is to connect people in a broken world.

The Christina Noble Foundation is an international partnership of people dedicated to helping underprivileged children. Christina Noble strives to raise funds to support those in need in neighbouring countries, Vietnam and Mongolia.

The stalls will include a toy, book and juice stall at snack time. The lunchtime activities will include a Y1-3 football tournament, The movie Sing and popcorn, a danceathon in the drama room and Maths and book making activities in the Art Room. All items and entry fees will be between $5-$15.

Sharing Day:   On Friday 12th May at 9am parents are invited to come to school for the year one sharing day.  Sharing day will finish at 10.30am.  Please wear comfortable clothing as you will be asked to sit on the carpet.   During sharing day the children will show you what they have been learning during our Sharing the Planet unit of inquiry.
Learning Centre:   We have noticed that some children are not returning their books on their class’s Learning Centre day.   Children in year one are able to borrow on fiction and one non-fiction book from the learning centre.
Learning centre days are:   1L . Monday,  1W  Tuesday and 1F Friday.
If your child is absent for their learning centre day then they are able to change their books during a lunchtime when they return to school.
Sick days:  If your child is unwell and cannot come to school please email the school office as well as your child’s class teacher.

 Sharing the planet

Central Idea: Plants and animals depend of each other for survival in their environments

Next week the children will continue with making their diorama, they will draw, cut and stick living things into their box making connections as they go.  Children will also continue with their artwork in the style of Eric Carle.  You will get to see the children’s amazing work during sharing on the 12th May.


As part of our preparations for Year 1 Sharing Day the Year 1 children have been learning a song in their music lessons. Please help your child to learn the words. Here is a link to the song,

Plant song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-l-gsWOKzk

Cooking at Home

Here are some photos from 1F.   Gavin Lo and Avery Wu cooked at home on the weekend.

Here is Yuto from 1L cooking his favourite breakfast at home.


Numbers can be added and subtracted

Next week in maths we will continue to build upon the children’s understanding of addition and subtraction strategies.  The children will have the opportunity to apply some of the strategies that they have learnt when solving a number task as well as play a variety of board and activity card games.  Games that we play in school help the children to practise their maths skills as well as encourage turn taking, quick thinking and teamwork.  Over the holidays, please spend some time with your child working through some of the activities on Mathletics.   Your child could also spend time on the live part of Mathletics, this is a fantastic way to practise number facts.

Next week during English children will be practising their drama performances as well as learning any scripts that they need to say for sharing day.   They will also be labelling art work that will be on display for sharing day.
Big Universe  Please help your child to log on to Big Universe at home and enjoy reading books together.

Next week we will be continuing with the Set 5 of phonics:

ch, sh, th, wh

Camera Words:  like   do    says    what   going   give 

Please continue to support our work in school by playing the suggested games on the back of the bookmark that was sent home a few weeks ago.

The next Golden Book assembly will be on Monday 8th May

Grandpa shows George and his sister how plants from all over the world affect their daily lives, from the cereal they eat for breakfast to the rubber in their bicycle tyres and wood in their toys. The lively, simple text follows George’s day as he discovers the wonder of plants. Eye-catching illustrations are coupled with photographs of grasses, fruits and plants to make a highly original book, building awareness in children of the natural world.