17 Mar 2017

Year 1 Update – Wk 25


 Monday 20th March – Dress up day
Friday 24th March – 1W class assembly; parents please come to the school hall at 9am.
Friday 24th March- International Food Fair
Friday 31st March- Easter Holidays – School Closes at 12pm
Tuesday 18th April  – School reopens for term 3
Tuesday 25th April – Year 4 Bake sale
Monday 1st May – Public holiday
Tuesday 2nd May – BHS CPD Day – school is closed
Wednesday 3rd May – Public holiday

Author visits  This week we were very lucky to have two wonderful authors visit the children at B.H.S.  On Monday we had Chris White a poet from the U.K and on Thursday we had Reena Bhojwani read to the children as well as talk to the children about being an author.  Reena Bhojwani grew up in Hong Kong and went to Kowloon Junior School.  If you would like to order a copy of her book please return the reply slip that your child brought home on Thursday via their home school diary.

LEAP Centre All Year One classes visited the LEAP centre today and learned all about what our bodies need and different functions of the body.  The children enjoyed meeting Harold, the LEAP mascot.

Clay and extra music  This week all year one classes attended a clay session with Miss Cassie in the art room.  Sessions with Miss Cassie will continue for the next six weeks.  Ask your child about what it was like to work with clay.  Mr Gibson also had an extra music session with each class.  The children have fun with the instruments.

Maths This week the children listened to the story ‘Give me half!’ by Stuart J. Murphy.  Children discussed the idea of sharing being equal and unequal and were introduced to the language fair, same amount, half and equal parts.  In maths this week children inquired into the different ways that shapes can be cut into halves.  They tried as to find as many different ways as they could.

 Uniforms  We are still getting many children coming to school with pieces of uniform that are not named.  We do our best remind the children to put anything that they take off in their bags but we often find jackets and jumpers on the carpet.  Many of these that we find do not have a name.  Also we ask that you please talk to your child about having an understanding of when they are hot or cold.  Many of our children come to school over dressed for the weather and tend to sit in too many clothes waiting for an adult to tell them to take a layer off.  The classrooms at B.H.S are very warm and so it is best that the children are dressed in such a way that they can add a layer when going outside.  Many thanks for your help with this.

News from the English team                               Seven days of ABCs and 123s

We are all looking forward to our Seven Days of ABCs and 123s which begins on Monday 13th March and end on Tuesday 21st March 2017.  This year we will be having special activities to celebrate the special link between Maths and books. Has your child joined our pattern photo competition?  If not details are below.

Our traditional dress up day will take place on the 20th March.  All the children and staff in school will dress up in costume.  We encourage the children to be creative and imaginative with their costume.  So please try and avoid football kits or the children coming as themselves!

To celebrate the collaboration between books and Maths, this year the children can choose to dress as a book character or something maths related.

Here are some pictures to inspire your child’s creations.

Book related costumes

Photo competition- Closing date 21st March – We would really like to have some year one children enter this competition!

Seeing and understanding pattern is very important in Maths for many reasons, for example to improve our knowledge of shape and space, to help estimation and solve problems in algebra. Pattern is also very important in the English language, it can be seen in spelling, sentence structure and of course poetry. Many stories follow a pattern too and understanding this can help develop children’s comprehension.  This year our photo competition celebrates pattern.

Your child needs to take a photo on the theme of pattern and send it to Ms Jeves at the following address: jevese2@beaconhill.edu.hk   Please can you make sure the subject header for the photo contains your child’s name and class. Closing date: 21st March.

 Sharing the planet

Central Idea: Plants and animals depend of each other for survival in their environments

During U.O.I next week we will look at the story Oliver’s vegetables.  The children will practise their retelling skills that they have been learning during reading as well as with Miss Jeves.  Next week we will talk about the parts of plants (vegetables) that we eat.  The children will have the opportunity to paint a variety of vegetables.

Next week the children will continue their information literacy work with Miss Jeves.  They will be making connections between the honey bee and themselves.  

Cooking at home   Here is a photo of Shawn from 1F cooking Lasagna for dinner at home.  Please continue to email in photos of your child cooking at home.  We are really enjoying the discussions in class about where food comes from and what it is used for.



Objects and numbers can be divided into equal parts and groups.

Share collections into equal parts

Divide objects into equal parts.

Next week will be our second week on fractions. We will continue to focus on the vocabulary that is used when discussing fractions in real life situations.   Vocabulary that the children should be able to use include equal parts, halves, sharing, the same and equal amount.  The children will be completing different open ended practical tasks such as figuring out how many fish there will be in total when given an amount and working out how many people there are when some information is given such as number of males or colour of hair.

The following are key questions that our maths will focus on:   How do you know each half is equal?   How could you check that each piece is equal?   What could you change to make sure that each piece is equal?

Next week we will also walk around the school looking at how other classes have decorated their doors showing a link to a math picture book

Next week we will continue adding words to our class word walls. We will focus on the technical vocabulary that is used in explanation texts.  Explanation writing explains how an object or a process works.  Technical vocabulary includes words that explain why something is happening such as because, connected, and words that are associated with what is being explained for example if an explanation is about how bees make honey then technical vocabulary maybe hive or nectar.  During our readers are writers workshops the children will be looking at sentences that go with pictures.

We still have one more author to visit us in year one.  David Schwartz will read to the year one and two children on Tuesday 21st March.  Many of his books are available in our school library.


Next week we will be continuing with the Set 5 of phonics:   ch, sh, th, wh

Camera Words:  like   do    says    what   going   give 

Please continue to support our work in school by playing the suggested games on the back of the bookmark that was sent home this week.

Due to an author visit this week there were no Golden Book certificates given out.

The next Golden Book assembly will be on Monday 27th March 2017.