2 Dec 2016

Year 1 Update – Wk 15

Thursday 8th December – BHS Christmas Concert 7pm
Friday 9th December – Dress Casual Day. Please ask your child to chose clothes in their house colours.
Monday 12th December – Year One Christmas Party:  Details to follow
Tuesday 13th December – Last day of term, 12pm finish
Monday 3rd January – School starts againimg_0431
Uniforms   Please make sure your child will not get too hot in the classrooms. Although it might be cooler in the mornings and sometimes outside, it is still warm during the day times and is warm in the classrooms and so the children are often too warm but cannot cool down as their layers are underneath their uniform. Please remember to add the layers above the uniform.
Children’s Pledges   Please continue to send in photos of the children doing the work decided on their pledge. The photo should show the children completing the pledge at home, we are really focussing only on the pledges that they wrote at school. It is lovely to see the children helping at home.
Party Food  The party letters should have come home today. Please note that we have a specific number of each kind of food coming to school on the party day and would be very grateful if you could bring the type of food requested. Please remember that some of our children have allergies and some do not eat meat when sending in your food and let us know of the ingredients. No nuts please.
Christmas Cards  Please ask your child to post any Christmas cards they have written in the big red postbox in the Foyer. The Year six students will deliver all the cards and letters to the correct classrooms. 
Student Council  We are very grateful to all the children who have brought in clothes to keep people in need in Hong Kong warm this winter. It’s not too late to send in your donations.img_0432
We are continuing to run two units alongside each other.
How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea: Within a community there are different roles and responsibilities

This week the children will be sharing the posters that they have made in the last couple of weeks. The children will reflect on their learning and see what they can find out from the other children’s posters. We expect the children to be able to tell us where they accessed all their new learning from, for example, a diagram in an information book.



How the World Works (our year long unit of inquiry)

Central Idea:  The Earth’s changes affect the activity of living things

Next week, we will be focussing on the variety of weather we have in one week, or even in one day.

Central Idea: Sort, describe, construct and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and objects in the environment.
Next week we will be starting looking into 2D shape. We will be assessing the children’s prior knowledge and be drawing, naming and sorting these shapes.

In English this week the children will be completing their work on their non-fiction booklet. The children’s books are something they are very proud of, not only of the product but also as they are able to teach through their book. Children will be encouraged to make ‘text to self’ connections. We will continue to model and support the children to make ‘text to text’ and ‘text to world connections’. The children will be writing Christmas cards and letters to Santa too.


Next week we will continue to focus on all the one letter sounds, including the new sounds:

V, W, Y, Z, J, N, K, E.

The children should be able to hear these sounds in words that are consonant, vowel, consonant, such as log, cut, hat and be able to tell you the word when you give them 3 sounds. We are aiming for the children to be able to write them too.

Camera Words: all, is, me, no, they, said

Please remember we are aiming for the children to be able read and spell the camera words.

Golden Book

1F- Lucas Wong