Year 1 Update – Wk 14
Tuesday 1 December – Year 5 bake sale! Please send in $5- $10 for a cake.
Friday 18 December – End of term- school finishes at 12 pm.
Monday 4 January – Term 2 begins.
Another great week in Year One. We have welcomed 3 more parents who have come in to talk about their jobs, an events organiser, an architect and a lawyer. A huge thanks to everyone who has come in to talk to the children, they have learned so much. Not only about about the different roles in our community but also about being part of an audience, listening carefully and asking useful questions. We look forward to our last two volunteers next week.
How We Organise Ourselves
Central Idea: People play different roles in the communities they belong to
The children have been using books and the internet to find out about a job of their choice. They have looked for information to suggest what kinds of tools different professions use, uniform they wear and who they help. They have also been trying to answer their own questions.
We have also used all the information we found out about how communities are organised to build our own community.
Thank you for explaining in more detail the features of your jobs, especially if you sent in a letter to explain. The children have loved receiving and showing their own post!
Outside in the playground all the children have been using signs, symbols and chalk to create their own roads and cross the road safely.
We will continue to practise the addition and subtraction strategies that we have been learning about but our main focus until the end of term will be 2-D shapes.
1F – Taemin Kim
1G – Saadat Sattar
1H – Elise Chan
Even though it is much colder outside now, it is warm in the classrooms. Please make sure that all your child’s extra layers are on top of their uniform so they are able to take them off easily and quickly if they feel too hot in the classroom and then are easy to put back on when they go outside. It is much harder for your child to manage this if the layers are on underneath. Some children get hot and sweaty indoors, especially if they are wearing thermal t-shirts or if they are doing PE or PMP, and once they take their under layers off the children are more reluctant to put them back on again.