Year 5 Update Week 5
Wednesday 18th September – Year 5 Camp Information Evening (6pm – Hall)
Monday 23rd and Thursday 26th September – Year 5 ISA Assessments
Thursday 26th September – Parent Teacher Consultations
Friday 27th September – 5W Class Assembly
Monday 30th September – School closed (CPD)
Tuesday 1st October – National Day (School closed)
Wednesday 2nd October – Parent Teacher Consultations
Friday 4th October – Half Term Break – School finishes at 3pm
Uniforms – Just a few reminders…purple socks on uniform days, white socks on PE days, please try and have the children wear summer uniforms rather than winter (it’s still incredibly hot!) and obviously wear PE kit on their designated days and can you please make sure they have their own school hat for playtimes and PE activities.
Stationery – Can you please check in with them to see what bits and pieces they still need to purchase? Many children don’t have a whiteboard eraser, this is very important. A piece of felt, an unused kitchen sponge or even an old (clean) sock will suffice. Please also make sure your child has earphones as they will use them frequently in school.
Healthy snack and water – Please make sure that your child has a healthy snack for break time and a water bottle.
Hygiene – Due to the high-temperatures many children arrive back after break and lunch play sweating, this can make lessons very messy and the children uncomfortable. Bringing in a small towel will help them to wipe away the sweat and therefore allow learning to continue without much fuss.
We took a break from our inquiries into self-exploration and tuned into a new unit of inquiry into human migration. This week, students completed a pre-assessment, investigated related vocabulary and brainstormed questions on the topic. They will revisit these questions at a later date to find inspiration for a personal inquiry. Students will also have extra time with Mr Gibson for the next few weeks and they will be looking into music from different cultures and their influences.
In number Maths, students are beginning to apply their knowledge of rounding whole numbers with decimals. In strand Maths, they are continuing to explore properties of 2D shapes, especially triangles and quadrilaterals.
In English, students have been continuing to deconstruct sentences and paragraphs from known authors to understand their intentions for the reader. They also studied interviews with famous authors to gather writing tips!
Central Idea
Migration has an impact on people and society.
Lines of Inquiry
- The reasons why people migrate (causation)
- The challenges and opportunities of migration (change)
- The impact of migration on individuals and society (perspective)
Next week, students will be tracking their thinking as they respond to visuals and read stories related to migration. They will also participate in role-play activities to tune into the lines of inquiry.
Central Idea
The base 10 place value system extends infinitely in two directions.
- patterns and relationships of tenths and hundredths
- the patterns of 6+ digit numbers and how they are represented
Central Idea
Manipulation of shape and space takes place for a particular purpose.
- creating, describing and visualising 2D and 3D shapes
- transforming shapes
- locating points on a grid
Next week, students will have a go at multi-step problems involving number and begin to work with 3D shapes.
Tune in next week for new Golden book achievers!
- Interview family members and/or helpers to find out their migration stories. Findings can be presented in digital form (video, slideshow…) or on paper (poster, booklet…).
Deadline: Friday 20th September
- Read the Weekly Update
- Mathletics – continue with the set tasks
- Spelling – each week the children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week. Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc.
- Reading – levelled home readers will be starting to come home soon. The children will be choosing levelled readers based on their own ability and are expected to read each night for at least 20mins at home with a parent. The children need to record their reading in their Reading Journals and parents can you please sign your child’s journal each night. Journals need to be returned to school each morning to be checked and will come home each evening (except Friday). Children may use Big Universe twice a week (only) as their choice of home reading.
- Mandarin Home Learning– All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.
Thought of the week