6 May 2019

Year 5 Update Week 32

5D – Monday and Friday

5F – Wednesday and Thursday

5C – Wednesday and Friday

Unit of Inquiry

The students have continued the design process for their sensory toy in small groups. They were full of enthusiasm and had lots of unique and creative ideas about what the toy might do and become.  Then we moved swiftly on to actually constructing their sensory toy. 


Our writing focus this week we have been working on writing to entertain and inform.  This was our final week on Narrative Nonfiction

We have used the knowledge gained from our own research to plan, draft, edit and revise a Narrative Nonfiction piece. Students are working hard to use a variety of writing techniques to engage and connect with the reader.


In Number Maths this week and over the next couple of weeks we will be recapping the four operations. We started this week with division and we used our knowledge to solve word problems and, in some cases, multi-step word problems.  We also completed an online maths assessment called PT Maths to check in on our learning.

In Strand Maths we have continued to look at time, specifically converting 12 hour time to 24 hour time. We have also started to tackle word problems involving reading, interpreting timetables, calculating time differences and durations.

Taking Action

This week 5F were treated to a very special lesson on the Hong Kong MTR.  Isaac Presley created his very own Kahoot! to quiz the class on an area of personal interest to himself. If any other the other children would like to take some similar action – go ahead and let your teacher know.  They can then find some time to play it in class.


Bassistry Arts

On Tuesday we all took part in a fantastic drumming session hosted by visiting drummers. All the children came back with RAVE reviews, ask them about it!

Transdisciplinary Theme – How the World Works

Central Idea –  Energy can be converted and transformed to support everyday life.

An inquiry into..

Transformation of energy  (function)  

Renewable and non-renewable energy (connection)

Sustainable energy use in everyday life (causation)

Concepts : function, connection and causation
Related Concepts : forms of energy (electricity, kinetic, potential), sustainability, transformation of energy
Learner Profile : knowledgable, thinker
Attitudes : curiosity and independence

Number Maths – Fractions Decimals and percentages
Central IdeaFractions, decimals and percentages are ways of representing whole-part relationships.

An inquiry into.

    • the relationship between common fractions and decimal fractions.
    • relationships between fractions, decimals, percentages.
    • problems involving ratios and proportion.

Questions we are exploring in this unit:

What is a common fraction?

What is a decimal fraction?

What is the relationship between common fractions and decimal fractions?

What is an equivalent fraction?

How do I convert between common fractions and decimals fractions?

What is simplifying?

What is LCD? (Lowest common denominator)

How do you simplify fractions?

What is percentage?

How is percentage related to fractions and decimals?

Where do we use percentages?

What is ratio?

What is proportion?

When do we use ratio and proportion?

Strand Maths – Data Handling

Central Idea The probability of an event can be predicted.

An inquiry into… 

    • Represent probabilities as a fraction
    • Identify outcomes of chance experiments including equally likely outcomes
    • Identify situations that are mathematically fair or unfair

Reading Focus – For this unit, our reading comprehension strategies is Determining Importance

Determining Importance – Readers read with a purpose and look for what is important. 

Determining importance is a strategy that readers use to distinguish between what information in a text is most important versus what information is interesting but not necessary for understanding.

Writing Focus – Narrative Nonfiction

Big Idea: To get information across to a reader in an engaging but clear way using various structures depending on the purpose

5F Isaac Chung
5C Coen Li
5D Evelyn Tung
PE – Abby Ng (5D)
Music – Vicotria Teh (5D)
Congratulations to all our winners!


  • Read the Weekly Update
  • Mathletics – continue with the set tasks or feel free to try any others that you feel you want to practice.
  • Prodigy – please continue on with your Prodigy online games.
  • Quizlet – please continue to use Quizlet to help you learn your spelling words and meanings.
  • Spelling –  The children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week. The will happen on a Monday for 5F, Wednesday for 5D and Friday for 5C. Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc.
  • Reading –  The children will be choosing leveled readers based on their own ability and are expected to read each night for at least 20mins at home with a parent.  The children need to record their reading in their Reading Journals and parents can you please sign your child’s journal each night? Journals need to be returned to school each morning to be checked and will come home each evening (except Friday).  Children may use Big Universe twice a week (only) as their choice of home reading
  • Mandarin Home Learning –