7 Sep 2018

Year 5 Update Week 3

Friday 14th September – PTA Bowling event

Thursday 20th September – Mid-Autumn Festival Market….please can the children bring some money to shop in our market?

Friday 21st September – 5D Class Assembly….9am start in the hall, all 5D parents welcome

Monday 24th September – BHS CPD….no school

Tuesday 25th September – Public Holiday….no school

Wednesday 26th September – Camp Info Evening 6pm….in the hall

Monday 1st October – Public Holiday….no school

Tuesday 9th October – 3-Way Conferences 3pm-7pm….please sign up soon via The Gateway (all children need to attend)

Thursday 11th October –  3-Way Conferences 3pm-7pm….please sign up soon via The Gateway (all children need to attend)

Friday 12th October – Dress Casual Day for community chest….plese bring in a donation

Friday 12th October – last day before October half-term break

Monday 22nd October – back to school after October half-term break

Wednesday 24th October – PTA AGM

Friday 26th October – Year 5 Trip to Crossroads….you will need to please grant permission via The Gateway soon

Tuesday 30th October – Year 6 Bake Sale….please bring in some coins to buy some treats to support our PTA

Friday 2nd November – 5C Class Assembly…..9am start in the hall, all 5C parents welcome

Monday 5th November – school photos

Tuesday 6th November – school photos

Friday 9th November – sibling photos

Monday 12th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Wednesday 14th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Tuesday 19th-23rd November – Year 5 Camp Week

Wednesday 21st November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Friday 23rd November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Tuesday 27th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Friday 7th December – PTA Christmas Disco Year 4-6

Wednesday 12th December – Christmas Concert 7pm

Friday 14th December – last day before Christmas break….12pm finish

A huge well done to 5F who started our yearly assemblies off in style. They did an absolutely fantastic job, especially as it is so early on in the year. Thank you to all of you who made it along to support. Again, a big well done 5F!

We had a great laugh at the comedy workshop, watching different comedians perform. The children learned about stage presence and where comedians get their material from as well as having the opportunity to perform themselves. It was terrific to see the children have the confidence to stand up in front of an audience and share their own ideas.



Central Idea – Artists can use a process to express messages and ideas.

An inquiry into…
  • the tools and techniques artists use (form)
  • how messages are interpreted and conveyed (perspective)
  • how can I improve my work (responsibility)
Concepts : form, perspective, responsibility
Related Concepts : style, influence, expression, choice (techniques)
Learner Profile : reflective, communicator
Attitudes : appreciation, creativity
In UOI this week we have explored different artists, their personal styles and messages, and how these are influenced by their personal experiences. The students are continuing to develop their fine motor skills through a variety of learning engagements, helping them to use the different styles and techniques adopted by various artists. We have been looking at similarities and differences between artists and appreciating how subtle changes in techniques can significantly alter the messages behind pieces.
Number Maths – Place Value
Central Idea –
An inquiry into…
  • patterns and relationships of tenths and hundredths
  • the patterns of 6+ digit numbers and how they are represented
In number maths this week we have been exploring decimal numbers. A focus for this week has been to present children with the big idea ‘What is a decimal?’ as well as asking children to visually prove their thinking and understanding. It has been extremely valuable for the students to think of decimals in practical and real life contexts, making their learning more meaningful.
Strand Maths – Shape and Space
Central Idea –

An inquiry into…
  • creating, describing and visualising 2D and 3D shapes
  • transforming shapes
  • locating points on a grid

In strand maths we continue to reinforce the appropriate use of technical vocabulary connected to shape and we are encouraging children to use this in a variety of contexts to find, name, describe and distinguish between different shapes.

Writing FocusIn writing this week, we have continued to look at sentence formation, in particular, the placement of words and the impact this has on the focus of sentences. We have looked at the identifying features of clauses and understanding their application. Students have been encouraged to work on building good quality sentences to improve the flow and flair of their writing.

Reading Focus – Self-Monitoring and Visualising
In reading the students have continued to develop their self monitoring skills, with a focus on taking responsibility for recognising when they lose their way. We continue to build up and apply our use of fix-up strategies and children are being encouraged to do this using texts of their own choice.
Well done to this week’s lucky Golden Book Certificate achievers….
5F- Aidan Chan and Teresa Rana

5C- Karan Mukhi Santino

5D Anna Yeung


  • Read the Weekly Update


  • Mathletics – continue with the set tasks
  • Spelling –  The children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week. The will happen on a Monday for 5F, Wednesday for 5D and Friday for 5C. Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc. 
  • Reading – levelled home readers will be starting to come home soon.  The children will be choosing levelled readers based on their own ability and are expected to read each night for at least 20mins at home with a parent.  The children need to record their reading in their Reading Journals and parents can you please sign your child’s journal each night.  Journals need to be returned to school each morning to be checked and will come home each evening (except Friday).  Children may use Big Universe twice a week (only) as their choice of home reading.
  • Mandarin Home Learning– All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.