Year 5 Update Wk 17
Tuesday 16th January – Year 5 Bake Sale
Wednesday 31st January – Marie Marchand Parent Workshop (6-8pm)
Tuesday 13th February – Chinese New Year Performance (6-7.30 pm)
Friday 16th February – Half term holiday
We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed some time with your friends and family.
Despite a few sleepy faces on Monday, the children have come back and look ready for what will be a very busy and exciting term for Year 5.
This week children have been re-establishing routines and sharing their holiday adventures and news. In addition we have spent some time discussing the term ahead. We have also focussed on developing the children’s fine motor and practical skills by creating pictures out of embroidery thread. This required a lot of patience and perseverance from the children.
Central Idea : People’s actions can impact our water resources.
Change | Connection | Responsibility |
We will understand that water is part of a continuous cycle and can be influenced by humans (water cycle and water treatment). | We will understand that different uses of water are connected to different water issues around the globe.(Water footprint) |
We will understand that humans have a responsibility towards the use and conservation of water(water cycle and water treatment). |
An inquiry into…
- efficient mental strategies that can be used to solve multiplication and division
- efficient written strategies that can be used to solve multiplication and division.
In maths we have been reinforcing and developing multiplication and division strategies when linked with word problems. The children have been encouraged to use self check strategies to ensure their answers are accurate as well as to double check by solving the problem using a different strategy. We have been learning from one another by sharing strategies and we are encouraging children to develop a range of strategies they can pull from.
- How tools and procedures can be used to measure accurately
- How tools and procedures can be used to solve measurement problems
- The connection between measurements and other units of maths (conversion)
In strand maths we have been thinking about the conversion of units of measurement, as well as recapping vocabulary and how this can help to solve practical problems.
We have started to look at some of the features of persuasive language through adverts in preparation for our Big Business unit. The children were familiar with some of the features used to develop interest.
Well done to all our Golden Book winners this week in Year 5…
5F – Karl
5C – Cameron
5D – Naomi
Mandarin – Koemi 5C
- Read the Weekly Update
- Mathletics – continue with the set tasks
- Reading – keep up with their reading every night. Don’t forget to get Reading Journals signed every night and children should be reading every night.
- Spelling – each Monday the children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week. Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc.
- UOI – In preparation for the start of our Big Business unit next week we would like children to consider their particular skills and attitudes which will be valuable and useful in a business context. Please make a list of these skills and bring them in on Monday.
Mandarin Home Learning (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)
Ms Lynn (Home learning #10) – Please check your google classroom for details.
Ms Xu – Review on topics of ” weather, clothes and feelings”. Practise singing Christmas songs.
We are delighted to welcome back Marie Marchand to present at Beacon Hill School on January 31st from 6-8pm. This year’s focus will be positive behaviour management strategies for parents- Discipline without Shouting. Please see the details and sign up via the gateway The cost will be $50 per person.
Marie is an excellent speaker- both entertaining and informative and we thoroughly recommend any parents from year 1-6 to come and enjoy her presentation.