25 Nov 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 14




During assembly this week we were lucky enough to hear the Chamber Choir perform the songs they worked so hard to prepare for Arts in the Park. We were all really impressed by the quality of their singing and the effort everyone made learn all the songs and the moves.



Central Idea:

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. The reasons why people migrate
  2. The challenges, risks and opportunities of migration 
  3. Distribution, availability of and access to usable water


Change Connection Responsibility
We will understand that water is part of a continuous cycle and can be influenced by humans (water cycle and water treatment).   We will understand that different uses of water are connected to different water issues around the globe. (Water footprint) We will understand that humans have a responsibility towards the use and conservation of water(water cycle and water treatment).
Students have been developing their understanding of the water cycle and where water comes from. We have started to consider how much water we use and we will continue to explore the use of water in the production of clothing, food, electronics, and energy over the next week. We will then begin to think about our responsibility towards the way we use water.

This week in maths we were fortunate enough to have Peter Sullivan working with one class per year and 5F were the lucky ones this time. Over the week he spent time with the children, teachers and parents, teaching new strategies and approaches to develop the depth of children’s mathematical understanding. He is a firm believer in productive struggle and is a strong advocate for allowing children time to make their own connections rather than making the connections for them. With self formed connections, he believes the children are more likely to develop a depth of understanding which will stay with them.


Number Maths
Central Idea – Strategies for whole number computation can apply to fractional and decimal computation.

An inquiry into…

  1. efficient mental strategies  that can be used to solve multiplication and division
  2. efficient written strategies that can be used to solve multiplication and division
In number maths we have been continuing to work on our multiplication and division strategies by providing the children with opportunities to extend the range of strategies they can use. These strategies will continue to be developed in a problem solving context.
Strand Maths
Image result for measurement
Central Idea – Accuracy of measurements depends on the situation and the precision of the tool.
An inquiry into….
  • How tools and procedures can be used to measure accurately
  • How tools and procedures can be used to solve measurement problems
  • The connection between measurements and other units of maths (conversion)

In strand maths we have been developing our understanding of measurement and ways we can measure. We will be moving on to converting between measurements next week.

Students have been working hard to develop their explanation writing. This week the focus has been on using the correct structure to write an explanation about the Water Cycle. Students are reflecting on their own work and identifying their next steps.

In reading we are continuing our work on synthesising and summarising, and we have been fortunate enough to be working with Ms Jeves to support us with this.  


In addition, students have been learning about ways to present information. With a focus on infographics, consideration has been given to when they might be used and what for. By looking at a number of different water infographics, children have started to establish their own success criteria for an infographic.

5F – Alegra Baloch (music)

5F – Leanna Ho

5F – Leticia Baines

5C – Kelly Lo

5D – Carlos Lam


  • Read the Weekly Update
  • Mathletics – continue with the set tasks
  • Reading – keep up with their reading every night.  Don’t forget to get Reading Journals signed every night and children should be reading every night.
  • Spelling – each Monday the children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week.  Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc.

Mandarin Home Learning – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

Ms Lynn (Home learning #8) – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Xu:Practise clothes and weather conversation.

 Thursday 30th November – Year 5 trip to Crossroads.
Please ensure you sign the eNotice and send in the cheque for $75 by Tuesday 28th.

Mr Thompson is very pleased to announce, thanks to your generosity and the hard work of our students, we raised $150000.  This is a tremendous sum and I think it shows what a special community we belong to.  We can now start to purchase the food so on 8th December our students can work with Sunshine Action at school to make the food parcels for the different charities.  To help our students with the food parcels we need parent volunteers, approximately 30.  These parents will be working with groups of students to help them make the food parcels.  If you are interested please click here.

60s Dress Up Day & Disco

Thursday 30th November for Years 1-3

Friday 1st December for Year 4-6

To continue our BHS 50th Anniversary celebrations, we will have a 60’s themed dress up day next week. Children can dress up in 60’s style for school and then be ‘Disco ready’.  All children should come dressed up even if they are not attending the disco after school.  The fashion trend in the 1960’s was varied; hippy style, swing dresses, twin sets and more!


Big Business Crafts soon enough our Big Business UOI will be upon us and in preparation for this Miss Fearn will be running some lunchtime activities on Big Business crafts. This year we are having a push for the children to make and sell handmade items at their stall or provide a service….rather than just buying bit and pieces from Shan Shui Po and re-selling these on the day.  Children can volunteer to join Miss Fearn at some lunchtimes throughout the weeks to learn to make some items that they then might make and sell on their stall.  If you have a simple craft idea and would like to come into school and teach a small group (15 children) how to do it please contact your class teacher and we will arrange for you to take a group.