8 Apr 2019

Year 4 Update – Week 31

Image result for esf beacon hill school

Thursday 10th May – Y6 PYPX

Monday 13th May – Birthday of Buddha School Closed

Tuesday 14th May – BHS CPD Day School Closed

Friday 17th May – 4A Assembly

Friday 24th May – 3G Assembly

Friday 31st May – 4W Assembly

Action in the PYP at BHS

Thank you for all the great examples of Action that you are taking.  Action in the PYP is when students are inspired through their learning and their experiences to make a difference to their lives or the community connected to real life issues and opportunities.  We would like to celebrate our students taking action outside of school

Please could you email examples to me, tsuik4@beaconhill.edu.hk,  and I will share through our newsletter.  

There are different types of Action.  Last time I gave a description of how ‘participation’ is a form of action, below is an description of how advocacy is a form of action.

Type of Action



Promoting an idea that you feel passionately about e.g. social, environmental or political

Making people aware of an issue you feel passionately about


Sharing ideas with friends, classmates or family



The students began to research different types of change to the Earth’s surface for their summative task. These changes include natural processes and those caused as a result of human activity.

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The students have continued to identify features of an explanation text. They have discussed the similarities they have noticed over a broad range of explanation texts and are now implementing them into their writing.

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This week Year 4 have been continuing to identifying and describing rotations, translations and reflections of 2D shapes. Next week we will be looking at angles of 2D and 3D shapes.

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Golden Book

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4A – Shamu Tharm, Hugo Cheung, Luca Zabbialini, Karsten Tsang and Thoma Yuan

4F – Emma Shan 

4W – Charlotte Chan, Ernest Chan, Takumi Stemp

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Central Idea:

Changes of the Earth and atmosphere impact the natural world

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. How the different components of the Earth are interrelated (connection)
  2. Why the Earth has changed and is continuing to change (change)
  3. How we know the Earth has changed (reflection)

Over the coming weeks, the students will continue to inquire into volcanoes and research with these 3 questions in their mind; what are volcanoes? How are volcanoes created? How does a volcano change the earth?. The classes will then create a whole class Prezi using their in depth research on volcanoes. 

Image result for prezi
Image result for symmetry and transformations clip art

Central Idea:

Shapes can be identified, classified and used in different ways.

Lines of Inquiry:

An inquiry into…

  • the relationship between 2D and 3D shapes
  • symmetry and transformations can be found in the environment
  • angles in 2D and 3D shapes

Over the coming week, the students will look at rotational symmetry, describe translations, reflection and rotations of 2D shapes and describe direction using the four compass points.

Please continue to help your children to practise their multiplication tables at home. Click the image below to access some online games that might support this….

Image result for top marks multiplication maths games
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Writing Focus: Writing to explain Explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a process, such as the water cycle, or how a steam engine works.  Other examples could be how a law is made, or why we blink when we sneeze.   Comprehension Strategies: Questioning

Questioning is a strategy that readers use to engage with the text. questioning techniques help the reader to clarify and comprehend what he is reading. 

Over the coming week, will continue to look at different explanations texts on volcanoes and using them to help them with their inquiry research. Whilst reading they will use their questioning techniques to come up with new questions they might have. 

The students have 8 spellings each week that they will need to practise at home. They will have 3 spelling tests each week to make sure they know how to spell their words correctly on a consistent basis.
Students should read everyday and talk to an adult about the text they have selected. This can be a chance for them to practise their comprehension strategies
  • Mon, Weds, Fri – borrow a BHS home reading book
  • Tues, Thurs – read a book online from Big Universe

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.


All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

  • Ms Lynn – Please complete home learning assigned in Mandarin Matrix.