2 Dec 2018

Year 4 Update – Week16

Image result for dates to remember

Wednesday 12th December – BHS Christmas Concert

Monday 10th December – 4F HK Forest Adventure Trip

Tuesday 11th December – 4A HK Forest Adventure Trip

Thursday 13th December – Year 4 Christmas Party

Friday 14th December – 12pm End of Term 1

Monday 7th January – 8:45am Start of Term 2

Thursday 10th January – 4W HK Forest Adventure Trip

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy holidays and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in 2019!

Image result for merry christmas and happy new year images free

Christmas Party Food and Reusable Crockery

The children will be having a party lunch in the classrooms, there should be enough food for 6 people.  Your child has chosen what they would like to bring and we have put a sticker in their diary. Please bring this food in on the day of the party in a named reusable container.  Please ensure that your child’s food does not contain nuts.

BHS have been working hard to try and be as green as possible. In order to cut down on the waste and use of plastic cutlery and paper plates, we would kindly ask that your child brings in a set of reusable crockery (plate, cutlery, bowl and cup) for the Christmas Party. We would really appreciate your support in this.

Image result for reusable kids crockeryOld Electronics Collection

We are hoping to collect old electronic or battery operated items and toys that have moving parts that are no longer needed as part of our Makers stock.  If you have anything you can donate please send it to school and put it in the collection box in the foyer labelled Old Electronics.

Image result for electronicsMany Thanks

Mr Lowe and Miss Mak

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This week the children have investigated different explorers and discoveries and looked at the impact they had in different parts of the world. The children have also been introduced to DIY.org which they loved exploring. An email was sent out this week with some more information regarding your support in setting up your child’s DIY account.

Image result for where we are in time and placeCentral Idea

 Changes in our word can happen through exploration and discovery..

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into…

  • A range of explorers and discoveries (form)
  • Explorations and discoveries that have changed our world (change)
  • The reasons why people choose to explore and discover (causation)

Next week, the Y4 students will continue investigating different explorers and discoveries and looking at the impact they had in different parts of the world. 4A and 4F will be going to HK Forest Adventures to explore and discover somewhere new. 4W are looking forward to their trip in January too. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to come on the trip with us, we hope you will enjoy the trip as much as we know the children will.

Image result for four operations
Central Idea:
The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are related to each other and are used to solve problem

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. The different ways to model/show multiplication and division
  2. Mental strategies that can be used to solve multiplication and division
  3. Written strategies that can be used to solve multiplication and division

Next week, the children will continuing their problem solving using multiplication and division in amongst some Christmas themed Maths activities too.

Related image
Writing focus: Writing to persuade
Over the next few weeks, the students will be focusing on different persuasive techniques in writing.
Comprehension Strategies: Summarise and synthesise
Next week, the students will continue their work on summarising and synthesising of some UK Christmas Adverts.

Image result for well done banner
 4A Karsten Tsang
4F Ingrid Siu
4W Ernest Chan
The students have 8 spellings each week that they will need to practise at home. They will have 3 spelling tests each week to make sure they know how to spell their words correctly on a consistent basis.
Students should read everyday and talk to an adult about the text they have selected. This can be a chance for them to practise their comprehension strategies
  • Mon, Weds, Fri – borrow a BHS home reading book
  • Tues, Thurs – read a book online from Big Universe

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.


All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.