19 Oct 2017

Year 4 Update – Wk 9

Monday 23rd October – School Photos (see below)

Tuesday 24th October – School Photos (see below)

Thursday 26th October – Growth Mindset Workshop for Parents at 6.30pm

Friday 27th October – Sibling Photos

Tuesday 31st October – Year 6 Bake Sale

Friday 3rd November – 4L Class Assembly at 9am

Monday 6th – Wednesday 8th November – Year 4 Camp

Wednesday, Thursday and Monday 8th, 9th and 13th November – Mandarin Consultations (Appointments via Gateway)

Tuesday 14th, 21st, 28th November and 5th December – Year 4 Pitch (more details to follow shortly)

Tuesday 28th November -Mandarin Consultations

Friday 1st December – PTA Disco (Year 4-6)

Friday 8th December – 4W Class Assembly at 9am

Thursday 14th December – Christmas Concert

Friday 15th December – End of Term (noon)

Monday 8th January – Start of School

MYP Meeting for Parents at Shatin College
Our Year 4, 5 and 6 parents of children who are likely to go to Shatin College have been invited to a parent information evening about the IB MYP (Middle Years Programme) that Shatin College will offer.  The meeting will be held at Shatin College on Wednesday 25th October at 6pm.  Click on the link below to see the invitation letter:
School Photographs 23rd – 24th October 2017
Our school photographer will be in Beacon Hill on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October All children should come to school in their school uniform on these days.  If your child has PE on Monday or Tuesday then please make sure that they bring their PE kit to school and they will be able to change at school.
Siblings Photographs
For those of you who have more than one child at Beacon Hill the siblings photographs will be taken on Friday 27th OctoberIf you would like a sibling photograph then please click on the link below and fill in the online form to book a space.
If you have any questions then please email Mr. Pheasant:
Start of School Arrangements
Please note that students should not arrive at school before 8.30am. Teachers are on duty from 8.30am. Any child who arrives early cannot be supervised.
Healthy Living at BHS
 We promote healthy living at BHS and therefore children should only bring water to school. Please do not send milk drinks, sugary drinks or any other kind of drink including soy or milk drinks. We have water fountains and taps where students can refill their (BHS) water bottles throughout the day.
Y4 Teacher Contact Information
4F – Mrs Fennelly – charlotte.fennelly@bhs.edu.hk 
4L – Miss Fisher – laura.fisher@bhs.edu.hk
4W – Miss Wu – jane.wu@bhs.edu.hk
Year 4 Learning Support Teacher – Ms Mak – haymen.mak@bhs.edu.hk
Vice Principal – Mr Thompson – andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk
Analysing Data from the Stream Study
Mr Thompson worked with students to look at, understanding and analyse data collecting from the stream study last week.
Improving sentences
Students practised steps to transform a simple sentence into one that is more complex and provides more information.
Animal Classification
Students continued to study characteristics of species within the animal kingdom in order to classify them. More and more animals are being added to our classification system each week!
Examining Our Plants
Last week the Green Team handed out plants so the children could take them home and watch them grow. We used this as an opportunity to examine the plants more closely and to think about that they need to survive.
Jan Latta
Some photos of the wonderful talk given last week by the talented and inspirational wildlife photographer and author, Jan Latta.

Sharing the Planet:

Central Idea

The Interdependence of living things can affect their survival.

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into…

  • Different types of livings things (Form)
  • What living things need to survive (Connection)
  • Human responsibility to the survival of living things (Responsibility)

Children will be gathering information about their chosen animal. This will be supported by Ms. Jeves through our Information Literacy sessions, where we will be using the 5 Es inquiry model to support our thinking.

Addition and Subtraction

Central Idea

The operations of addition and  subtraction are related to each other and used to process information to solve problems

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into:

  • The different ways to model/show addition and subtraction
  • Mental strategies  that can be used to solve addition and subtraction
  • Written strategies that can be used to solve addition and subtraction

Initially, we will be assessing the students prior-knowledge then they will be inquiring into addition through a range of open-ended tasks and challenges. We will also be explicitly teaching a range of strategies for adding 2 and 3-digit numbers, including jump strategy, split strategy and column addition.

We will also be deconstructing some information reports related to our current unit of inquiry and labelling their features. The children will be beginning to gather and organise research findings with a view to creating a detailed information report about an animal of their choice.

Congratulations to this week’s Golden Book certificate winners! 
4F – Marcus Lee
– Alice May Abagian All O
4W – Karan Mukhi Santino
SLT Award – Isaac Presley 4L
Year 4 Home Learning 13.10.17
WEATHER                     HEROES
The new Home Learning choices have been explained to the children and they are already bursting with creative and imaginative ideas! Here are a selection of ideas from 4L to use as a prompt if you are struggling to get started. We are very excited to see what you all come up with! 
Due date: Wednesday 25th October 
The children have a list of words they need to learn. They should practise these at home in preparation for “buddy spelling tests” (the children testing each other) in class next week.
The children have been given their Home Reading Journals and are expected to read for 20 minutes per day at their given comprehension age. Children will record the title of their book in their journal. Please discuss your child’s reading and leave a comment in the journal so that they can change their book.
To support their reading development, please make sure of the following:
  • Home reading should be fun not a chore.
  • Keep the timing short, find a comfy, quiet space and have a chat about what your child is reading. This really helps to develop their comprehension skills.
  • There is information about comprehension at the beginning of the journal, which you can use to help guide your discussion with your child. Please also refer to information your class teacher has sent out to you about how to help your child at home. 

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.

Mandarin (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)

Ms Lynn (Home learning #5) – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Xu – 朗读学过的课文,记得有时间读中文书,写读书报告,准备下星期读后感分享。