9 Feb 2018

Year 4 Update – Wk 21


Monday 26th February – First day back

Friday 2nd March – Student Led Conferences and Art Auction

Tuesday 13th March – 4F HK Forest Adventures trip

Wednesday 14th March – 4L HK Forest Adventures trip

Thursday 15th March – 4W HK Forest Adventures trip

Saturday 17th March – ESF 50th Carnival (see information below)

School Closure (Thursday 8th – Thursday 15th February) 

We are missing the students hugely here at BHS – schools are very quiet, strange places to be in when there are no children! We hope that you are all keeping healthy.

By now, you have hopefully accessed the information about the additional work we have prepared for you during the school closure period. if not, please follow the link here. The information below has also been sent to parents, via email.

A “School Closure Activity Grid” has been set up for the Year 4 children to refer to for their home learning for the remainder of the school closure period. 
  • There are 15 different tasks. Children should aim to complete 3 activities per school day of the closure.
  • These tasks span the curriculum and involve the use and development of different learning skills. They are also fun!
  • The children can choose the order in which they complete the tasks.
  • Each Year 4 class has set up a “School Closure 2018” Google classroom, through which children can view the tasks and submit completed work. All children have been sent an email inviting them to join the relevant class. Children can also complete and submit hard copies if they wish, when they return to school. 
We hope this helps support the children and gives you clear guidance on the expectations for this situation. 

If you or your child experience any difficulties accessing the necessary links and/or information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

E-Notice ~ HK Forest Adventures

Many thanks to all those who have completed the E-notice and brought in cheques for our next exciting excursion. Polite reminder: If you haven’t done this yet, please could you do so as soon as possible! Thank you to parents who offered their help on this trip, we no longer need anymore volunteers!

 ESF 50th Anniversary Carnival

Please encourage your child to remember to bring their ukuleles and ukulele booklets to school on the appropriate day. At the moment, we still have quite a few children forgetting their instruments.
4F – Thursday
4L – Tuesday
4W – Tuesday
Ukulele Club – Wednesday lunchtime (this only applies to members of this club and they know who they are).
Y4 Teacher Contact Information
4F – Mrs Fennelly – charlotte.fennelly@bhs.edu.hk 
4L – Miss Fisher – laura.fisher@bhs.edu.hk
4W – Miss Wu – jane.wu@bhs.edu.hk
Year 4 Learning Support Teacher – Ms Mak – haymen.mak@bhs.edu.hk
Vice Principal – Mr Thompson – andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk
This week the students continued to focus on the skills and knowledge needed to build successful structures. They inquired into 2D shapes and learnt ways to strengthen them. They also had a chance to apply this when constructing 3D shapes and free standing towers. Have a look at some more of their findings!
During Learning Technology sessions with Mr Lowe, the children have been using the skills they have been continuing to construct chairs from cardboard and MakeDo equipment…
Following on from our experience with Misty Adinou last week, who demonstrated how to elicit really high quality writing from our students, we have been continuing to really improve our sentences.
We looked at the opening sentence from the book, “Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa,” by Margaret Wild.
Up North, where the hibiscus flowers were as big as dinner plates and the trees blossomed with white cockatoos, was Miss Lily’s Tropical Holiday House.
We analysed the parts of the sentence by breaking it into chunks and talking about why the author had chosen the words that she used. We noticed that we had a really strong image in our heads as we read this sentence and wanted to describe a different setting in a similar style.
Please click on this link if you would like to read some of the fabulous story openings 4F wrote based on a setting of their choice.

How we organise ourselves

Central Idea

The design and construction of structures reflects their purpose.

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into…

  • Designers use and reflect on their plans in order to be successful (REFLECTION)
  • The skills and knowledge needed to build structures (CAUSATION)
  • How purpose affects the design of structures. (CONNECTION)

Please refer to the School Closure Activity Grid.

Strand Maths: Shape

Central Idea

Shapes can be identified, classified and used in different ways


Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into:

  • The relationship between 2D and 3D shapes
  • Symmetry and transformations can be found in our environment
  • Angles in 2D and 3D shape

Please refer to the School Closure Activity Grid.

Writing to Entertain (First person narrative) 

Congratulations to the students who were awarded Golden Book certificates on Monday!
 4F – Hei Hei Cheung
4L –  Chee Cheung & Gavin Chung
4W – Liam Wong

       Please refer to the School Closure Activity Grid.


The children have a list of words they need to learn. They should practise these at home in preparation for “buddy spelling tests” (the children testing each other) in class next week.
The children have been given their Home Reading Journals and are expected to read for 20 minutes per day at their given comprehension age. Children will record the title of their book in their journal. Please discuss your child’s reading and leave a comment in the journal so that they can change their book.
To support their reading development, please make sure of the following:
  • Home reading should be fun not a chore.
  • Keep the timing short, find a comfy, quiet space and have a chat about what your child is reading. This really helps to develop their comprehension skills.
  • There is information about comprehension at the beginning of the journal, which you can use to help guide your discussion with your child. Please also refer to information your class teacher has sent out to you about how to help your child at home. 

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.

Mandarin (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)

Ms Lynn (Home learning) – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Xu – 完成google classroom 练习,记得借书读书,写读书报告,完成课堂未完成的功课。