Year 3 Update Week 5
Monday 24th September – BHS CPD (school closed)
Tuesday 25th September – Day after Mid-Autumn Festival (public holiday)
Monday 1st October – National Day (public holiday)
Tuesday and Thursday 9th, 11th October – Parent Teacher Consultations (more info to follow)
Friday 12th October – Dress Casual Day (Hong Kong Community Chest)
Friday 12th October (3pm) – October break
Monday 21st October – First day back
BHS Lunchtime Experiences: A message from our Student Council
At BHS we have lots of great clubs which our students really enjoy so Ms Chung challenged us to create even more! As the student councillors we interviewed our friends and classmates to find out their favourite clubs. We were wondering if any parents would like to help run these clubs? Do not panic! You do not need to be an expert or world champion, just enthusiastic and willing to help. This could be as an one off session or more, it is up to you. Please click on this google form to volunteer. The Student Council will then get in contact with you to organise the club. We will help with all the logistics such as venue, students and resources.
Thank you for any help you can give us.
Parent-Teacher Consultations
The booking system for parent-teacher consultations are now live on the Gateway. Please make sure you can log onto the Gateway and book an appointment with your class teacher.
Weekly Spellings
The children have buddy spelling tests three times per week. It is so important they have time to learn their spellings in the evenings. The spelling words are high frequency words that are used in their writing. We really appreciate your support with this matter.
With school closure taking place during to typhoon Mangkhut, the children came back to school with many stories and experiences to share! In class, we discussed how we can keep ourselves safe during extreme weather and how it affected Hong Kong and other cities in Asia.
The children really enjoyed their visit to the Mid Autumn’s Market this week. It was so great to see them converse with PTA helpers in Mandarin when they bought their lanterns, mooncakes and fruits!
Children also had fun inquiring into 3D shapes and other forms of communications such as braille or sign language.
Effective communication can be enhanced through different methods.
We will be inquiring into:
How signs and symbols facilitate effective communication (form)
How the arts can be used to communicate (function)
The reasons and impact for communicating in different ways (causation)
Next week the children will consolidate their understanding of this unit by determining most effective ways to communicate with others in a range of different situations. They will also take it further by creating their own scenario and form of communication and justify their choices.
Next week the children will be playing games and solving problems in order to consolidate their understanding of shapes and place value.
There was no Golden Book Assembly this week due to school closure after typhoon Mangkhut.
Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. The children should check their accounts regularly and complete any assigned tasks.