22 Jun 2018

Year 3 Update Wk 35

  • Monday 25th June – End of Year Reports to parents.
  • Monday 25th June – Meet their new Year 4 teacher.
  • Friday 29th June – End of Term 3. School finishes at 12pm.




Please make sure all students return their portfolios to school by Monday 25th June. They will be packed up ready to share with their new Year 4 teacher and classmates. After this they will all be returned home. 
For the last two weeks of term, 3F will be moving their PE days from Wednesday and Friday to Monday and Friday. This is to accommodate the Year Sixes who are practising for their end of school production of Bugsy Malone and using the drama room and hall. Please can the children come to school in their PE uniform on Monday and Friday.
This is the last update of the year. We wish you all a relaxing summer holiday and safe travels to all those who are going abroad. All the very best to students leaving BHS and we look forward to seeing the new Year 4s in August. 


In Inquiry this week the children have continued to work with Ms Jeves to examine the qualities a person has if they are or aren’t a good collaborator. The students have very much enjoyed to continue on their collaborative art piece and are learning to listen and respect everyone’s opinion. Circle Time continues to be a highlight of the week where students practise communicating loudly and clearly to the group and listen to everyone’s contributions. 
In Maths this week the children have been practising both their data handling skills and their newly learnt language of probability to investigate the number of different coloured Skittles in a bag. 

In English this week the children have continued to look at the text type exposition with the purpose of writing to persuade. The students have practised explaining their argument with reasons and examples. They have been focussing on expanding on their ideas and have been trying to use connectors to help them write complex sentences.  In addition to this have looked at how rhetorical questions and exaggerating are used in this text type. In reading lessons they started to review all the strategies learnt this year to aid their comprehension. 


By working together people can achieve more. 

We will be inquiring into:

  1. Shared goals in group situations  (connection)
  2. Skills and behaviour that support collaboration (responsibility)
  3. Impact of their behaviour on a shared goal (reflection)

This coming week the children will finish their collaborative art piece and reflect on how well they achieved their goal. They will also look ahead to how they can apply these skills as they go into Year 4. 

Image result for probability poster
The children will continue their focus on probability next week. They will look at deciding on the chances of different situations while playing dice games, such Chinese Ludo, using the language likely, unlikely, certain and impossible.

 The Mathletics activities will be active over the summer holidays, so your child can continue to practise their skills. The Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. Please make sure that an adult supports your child when working through the activities.      

Students will continue to revise the comprehension strategies they have learned over the year. This includes making connections, inferring, self-monitoring, summarising and synthesising, questioning and visualising.

Year 3 will read books from Big Universe on a Monday and Friday.
They will no longer be borrowing home readers on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All students should be reading from Big Universe. This is also a great chance to visit the public library and borrow books from there for the holidays. 


The students have produced some very creative pieces for their Home Learning over the year. Thank you for all the support you have given them. We will be reflecting on the skills they have learnt and what they would like to improve on in Year 4.
Image result for spelling clip art
 Keeping a journal over the holiday is a great way to keep up with writing skills over the summer holiday. If students are still not consolidated on the Year 3 spellings, then this is a good opportunity to learn these words before starting Year 4.
Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.
Ms Lynn – Please read this week’s assigned book in Mandarin Matrix。
Ms Xu: 完成Google Classroom功课。 记得借书读书。